Chapter 46

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Chapter 46:

I'm not exactly sure when I fell asleep, but I woke up to the sound of thunder clapping and lightning flashing through the white curtains in the room. My head is throbbing and my vision is blurry. The conversation from last night is still burning from my memory. I let the rain calm my thoughts, getting lost in the sounds of nature. There's no way I can stay around here, I just have to act strong for a few hours. Rubbing my temples, I will the tears to not leave my eyes. I take a few uneven breaths, choking on the mucus built up in my throat. I hear a knock on the door and immediately fall back on my pillow, pretending to sleep.

Kyle comes walking through the door, quietly closing it behind him. "Mate, I...I hoped you'd be up by now. I'm pretty worried about you, kiddo. You've been sleeping for two days. I don't know when you're going to get up. You really need to stop passing out." I could hear him smirking. "Grace is really worried, and Rose is probably snogging Gavin in a corner, it's disgusting." He forced a laugh but I could sense the pain in his voice. "I thought she loved you, man, really. I mean if she couldn't love me, I would've been happy if she chose you. I once read a book, long before I knew I had powers. Yeah, we all started out like you. I can't recall the name or even the plot, but I recall a quote. It said, 'we accept the love we think we deserve'. I really couldn't agree more."

His words came out choked and forced. "I'm so sorry. I thought things would've changed, I mean, Gavin isn't even all that attractive!" He managed to laugh again. He sighed. "Please wake up soon, I can't stand being without you, mate. Henry really isn't the best conversationalist. Nothing like his sister, right?" I could tell he was smiling even through my closed eyes. "We need a plan ASAP, and I need you to help me. Please wake up soon, buddy, I need you." I felt one of his tears land on my hand. I bit my bottom lip to stop myself from smiling.

"What? No 'true love's kiss?" I winked at him, not able to hold back my smile anymore. Kyle nearly jumped out of his skin. His eyes bulged but once he recovered from his state of shock, he grinned from ear to ear, pulling me into a bear hug. "Okay, okay, easy there buddy, I missed you too." The hug lingered longer than it should've, but I really couldn't have cared less. At least somebody understands. "What's the plan?" I promptly stated. Kyle scratched his head.

"Well, that's the thing, I need your help thinking of one." He chewed the inside of his cheek. I zoned out and he snapped his fingers in front of my face.

"Right, right! Ideas..." My mind went blank. "Take Grace and Will and run?" I tried.

"Kiddo, that's the worst idea I've ever heard but the only one we've got, let's go." Kyle tugged at my wrist, causing me to fall out of bed. I grumbled some curses and Kyle put his hands up to his mouth. "Oops! Sorry, dude!"

"How many nicknames do you have for me?" I mumbled. Kyle threw his head back and laughed.

"A lot, now let's go, weirdo!" I rolled my eyes and mimicked his laugh. This plan ought to run smoothly otherwise we'll be Australian toast.

We surreptitiously walked through the living room where Henry had his nose buried in a book and Rose and Gavin were making out in a corner (surprise, surprise). Kyle looked at me and rolled his eyes and I put a finger to my chapped lips. Nobody even noticed when we walked out the door. The autumn sun beat down on our skin and the grass tickled our bare ankles. I spotted Grace and Will sitting under the shade of a tree. I pointed and Kyle nodded. He ran up to them while I dragged behind, admiring the flora and fauna of Australia. My mind wandered to back when my parents were alive and how they always dreamed of going to Australia. I smiled sadly and ran up to where Kyle was, breaking out of my trance. I zone out way too much.

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