Chapter 32

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Chapter 32:

"The fire wasn't accidental."

"What?!" I blurted.

"'s the thing." She laughed nervously. "Mr. Grey and Mr. Stone, it's his fault."

"You mean 'their' fault."

"Oh that's the other thing, they're the same person. You don't think Mr. Stone can just travel leaving the orphanage unattended do you? He has a clone!" I gaped at this newfound information. "Oh stop, you'll catch flies in your mouth!" She giggled. "Okay so it they started the fire, they knew you would go to Henry and Henry's mom is married to Mr. Stone. That's why Henry's last name is Stone. God I thought you would've pieced that together by now! Continuing," she said, eyeing me. "When we went to the orphanage, the robots were an illusion by the way, the food only affects people who are 'threats' to the world such as myself. Alright, when you left, I made an alliance with the other girls there. We starved ourselves, pretending to eat the food but not actually eating it. Eventually, when both Mr. Stone and Mr. Grey went to Australia we took the chance to run. Most of the girls are trying to find relative. Oh! That's the other thing, everyone who was there, our parents died in the same exact way."

She looked at my face. "Too much information?" I slowly nodded my face. She patted my cheek. "More later." I collapsed on my bed.


"Mate?" A head appeared above my bed. I groggily sat up, smacking heads with David as I did. "Oi!"

"Sorry!" I exclaimed, rubbing my head.

"We leave, tomorrow." He said, walking out. Oi, indeed.

As David walked out, Grace, sporting curly pigtails came bouncing into my room. "More information time!" She said giddily. "Okay, where did we leave off? The orphanage, right! I don't remember much between the time I left and the time we returned together."

"Explain the whole age transfer!" I begged.

"It's really not that important, but okay. You know how I said I was adopted?" she didn't wait for an answer. "Well I found out who my birth father is. Brace yourself, this may come as a shock. I'm not an elemental, I'm different. My father is Apollo, the Greek god."

"Please repeat?"

"My father is Apollo."

"That's what I thought you said. Excuse me for a moment." I face planted into my pillow and let out a shrill scream. It was completely muffled, however anyone within ten feet could hear me. Grace patted my head, shushing my wails of agony.

"Dude," she said. "You've been through so much yet this freaks you out." She rolls her eyes, laughing.

"My little sister is the daughter of the sun." I said to no one in particular. Then to Grace, "So, that makes you a god?"

"Oh goodness no! I have powers though." She smirked. She held out the palms of her hands, warmth emitting from them. A small ball of light appeared before my very eyes. My eyes widened. She clapped her hands together, extinguishing the flame. Laughing, she tackled me into a giant hug. "Okay. So about me being so small. I never really got much Vitamin D, that's what you get from the sun if you didn't know." I rolled my eyes but she didn't notice. "Okay so once I got out of was everywhere that was in the sun. I woke up one morning and I was strong. Like really strong, I could pick up an entire log and throw it into the river and I felt taller too. When I saw you, I realized I did grow. You didn't notice, though. Dad, Apollo that is, and I have been exchanging notes. I just write something down, fold it, and let it go in the air and it'll eventually get to him. He visits me in my sleep. Owen, I'm special."

Of course she's special. I guess magic just runs in the family. But...if she's adopted...I shook the idea out of my mind. "Grace, you're coming with us."


"Me and Dave. You're coming with us."

"Dave and I." she corrected. I rolled my eyes, again.

"We need you." At this, she rolled her eyes.

"You don't need me, you have your own powers, right?" she smirked.

She got off the bed and started walking to the door but I grabbed her wrist. "Just think about it, okay? I love you." She gulped and walked out. She was a step away from the door before she turned around.

"One more thing," she whispered. "You're mortal."

She pranced out of the room.

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