Chapter 37

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Chapter 37:

Her face is unreadable. She looks pale, making her freckles stand out. She nods her head, partially erasing my worries. I sigh as I get up again. This time, she doesn't try to stop me but she just follows. I wonder if this is anything like her behavior with Gavin before...well before what I saw. Wincing, but smiling at the memory all the same, I break into a run. I can feel Rose pull next to me without even glancing over. Her hair is flowing behind her like a bloody waterfall. If I'm Satan then she's an angel.

She grabbed my hand and we disappeared into perpetual darkness. Well this is new. My hand was sweating but Rose didn't let go. This was nothing like Shadow Travel or her mysterious Fire Portal. This is probably what Hades deals with everyday...wait did my mind actually just conjure up that thought. Just because my delusional seven — I mean ten — year old sister claims her father is Apollo, doesn't mean that all of this is real.

Rose let go. "Jump!" I hear her yell. Her voice grew distant and I quickly complied. It felt as if gravity had completely disappeared. I can't tell how fast I am moving due to the fact that it is black as night. I notice a small white dot begin to appear near my feet, getting larger by the moment. I hear a thud, suspecting Rose just hit whatever was at the bottom. I close my mouth. I hadn't realized that I've been screaming the entire time. Moisture is beginning to gather at the edge of my eyes, forcing me to shut them.

As I am holding my legs straight out, I slam into a soft cushion. My body feels shattered, but it could be so much worse. I look up to see Rose laughing at me. I'm probably a mess, my hair more tangled than usual and my clothes crumpled. Behind her is a blinding light. "Another one?" I groan. She nods her head and grabs my hand, breaking into a run. I'm stumbling behind her, tripping over my large feet. Pulling me forward, Rose yells at me to jump, and again, I comply. We land in a patch of grass. Let's just say it's not as soft as the cushion from before. Rubbing my bottom, I get up with the help of Rose.

"You look like an old man!" She is doubled over, laughing. I grunt in response, beginning to walk...nowhere. "Where are you going, idiot?" she calls after me. Running to catch up, she tackles me. What's come over her?

"Get off of me!" I yell. Still smiling, almost as if she were a breakout from a mental asylum, she pins my arms to the ground. I struggle to break free but her calloused hands are too strong. (When did she get callouses?) I squeeze my eyes shut but they are forced open by a blinding throb. Coughing, I yell some curses.

Once the pain has sufficiently subsided, I force my eyes open. Blasted with light, I can barely make out a gleaming item and a tall figure standing before me.

"Prepared to meet your end?" Mr. Grey smirked. 

(A/N: Oi, sorry Owen, had to meet him again sometime! So...where'd Rose go? *smirks* Sorry for the short chapter, I've been crazy busy!)

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