Chapter Twenty Five

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Welcome back. I already reviewed our closed cases. Just need you to sign off. New case is on desk. Take it easy. - Scott

Elaina squinted at the yellow Post-it note on the office door. Scotch taped haphazardly layered over the four corners, an extra measure from her partner. She would have chuckled if she had the energy. Pulling keys from her pocket she searched for the office key. Shoving it in the lock, she winced slightly as her arm turned with the knob. The scar seemed to wriggle, its gruesome sight, a glaring reminder of a futile rescue. Sighing, she stepped inside. Not much changed except three bouquets of flowers and various 'Get Well' cards neatly piled on her desk.

The fib she told Scott may have been a bit grand, but it made sense with the injuries. Her stolen eye, mangled arm, and disfigured chest: all injuries pertaining to a horrific single vehicle accident that led to ejection and an intensive hospital stay. He didn't believe her at first when she dialed him up. Not until she sent a picture of the whitish pink socket.

Walking to her chair she slowly lowered herself into it. It all felt strange, foreign to her senses. She wasn't a prisoner long, but those frightening days lasted an eternity. Days of wondering if each night would be her last. Days of insurmountable pain with the devil.

Absentmindedly Elaina massaged the bumpy scar under her breast. A habit she spotted herself doing when she thought of that wretched soul.


Looking down she watched her phone light up and ding. Khalia's name flashed across the screen:

Hey! we're at the police station getting the rest of Jay's things. Gonna head to the funeral home after. Want to grab a bite before we head outta town later?

Tapping her tongue against her teeth, Elaina then sucked on them before typing back an 'OK'. A faint smile spread as she thought fondly of the ladies back in Cruel-Mane. Caleesi was the first she saw when she awoke. The girl was sleeping by the bedside, snoring peacefully against her bandaged arm. Strangely it caused an unfamiliar feeling to well up inside her. The poor girl was jolted awake with her howls and wails. A pitiful state that calmed once she recognized the beaten-up pack of cigs that rested on the nightstand.

"Childish emotions. Get it fucking together Elaina."

Snatching up the bouquets she tossed them on McDermotts desk for now. Hell, his birthday was coming up, she'll repurpose them.

"I liked him."

Elaina remained silent about her counterpart's remark. After a long pause she sighed, returning to her seat.

"I liked him too Ellie, but liking isn't enough."

"Really? So, we're going to keep carrying around a pack of cancer sticks, mind you that we don't smoke, like a lovesick pup? I don't know about you, might as well tattoo pathetic on our forehead."

Growling, she gave her head a good shake before grabbing the folder underneath the cards. She scanned the first page, surprise etching a line between her brows.

"Trinity Cadman? Missing....victim of Cape...what the hell Scott?"

Scanning the paper Elaina went over each statement before snatching up her phone and scrolling through her contacts. It rang once then a muffled "What's wrong! What happened?" cracked through the speaker. Chuckling she went back to scanning Trinity's case file.

"Everything is fine McDermott."

"Are you sure? I can turn around! Might take a couple days to reach land!"

Summer Bliss: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now