Chapter Eight

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"Do you think he found her?"

Alexa stared out the window though made sure to keep her distance. The gang had turned all the lights off in the cabin, trying to minimize their presence. After Jay left Joey held doorknob for another ten minutes. Eventually he had to let go from exhaustion. Soon as stepped back she burst through the door. Her face was flushed red and eyes swollen. Tears continued to spill while she rubbed her raw cheeks.

"I'm, I'm sorry Trinity. He told me not to let you leave."

Joey laid a hand on her shoulder to comfort her. Coldy she shrugged it off. Joey had little reaction time as she struck him across the cheek. Surprised, he gaped at her.

"You're a fucking coward!"

Her callous tone and violent outburst had turned the head of the others. Jumping up Alexa ran over to Joey. Trinity didn't even spare her a glance. Abruptly hse turned and went back into her bedroom. The door slamming rattled the cabin and Alexa shrieked. Joey bit his lip to keep from shouting, instead, just letting out an angered sigh. 

Trinity hadn't left her room since then.

Marcus had rapped on the door a few times, but got nothing. Joey offered him a change of clothes which he greedily took. The crusted feeling of his briefs had gotten to him, and he desperately wanted to shower. In doing so he kept it under five minutes and had the door wide open.

Afterwards he joined Alexa and Joey in the living room area where they remained. They had tried to do as Jay asked but fear was a powerful thing. Joey saw his jeep from one of the windows. Teasing him with its close proximity. If they could make it to the vehicle the rest would be a cake walk.

Over an hour had passed since Jay left. Gunshots never rang out. The hope that he was alive was vanishing. Joey contemplated if they should continue to wait for him. He had no doubt Khalia was dead. She disappeared hours before the group turned in. Jay made a dumb decision going out there as far as he's concerned.

A thought crossed his mind, triggering a spark of hope. Leaning in closely to the woman curled beside him he whispered into her ear. Alexa's facial expressions changed while she listened to Joey. From shock, to sadness, and finally acceptance. She glanced at Marcus who was intently staring out the window. Turning to Joey, she gave him a slight nod before rising. Slowly she slinked over and sat beside Marcus. Intrigued by her behavior he watched her. In a hushed tone Alexa relayed what Joey said.

"Joey thinks we should let Trinity go after Jay."


Marcus jumped up out of his seat, unable to hide his bewilderment. The other two stood also to shush him. Joey stepped closer to Marcus.

"Hear me out. We let Trinity go look for Joey. While she's doing that, we take the car and go to the ranger station."

"So... you want to use her as bait?"

"Listen. Its been close to two hours now. What if he doesn't come back? What if they're already dead? We have to think of ourselves. We're not abandoning her. We'll come back after we get help."

Marcus scoffed and ran his hands through his hair.

"Come back? You saw how big that thing was. Plus, least not forget, Theo's out there somewhere. What the fuck is a ranger going to do?"

"With that thing out there you really believe Theo is still alive too? Hell, one of those bodies on the porch could be his."

"Even so, you want to leave our friends behind? That's not right!"

Summer Bliss: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now