Chapter Seven

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Marcus stirred while he rolled around in his bed. The covers lay at the bottom, tangled around his feet. The night had been humid and muggy. He had opened the window before going to bed, but the draft seemed to be avoiding him. Sticky sweat coated his body, soaking into the sheet below him. It made him feel like a pig on a spit roast.

His final straw was a thin line of sweat trickling down from his hairline and into his ear. Sitting up he let out a frustrated sigh while swinging his legs over. Standing, Marcus headed towards the bathroom. On the way he passed Khalia's room. Her door was open, and the bed looked untouched.

After she jogged after that buff rat, Theo, she never returned to the group. They had waited, but she never showed up. Jay was intent to go after her in his drunken stupor, but Trinity talked him out of it. Stating that she'd, "Never forgive you if you see her boinkin, she's not a child!"

The whole ordeal had riled him. He excused himself for the night afterwards. Laying in bed, room spinning, worried about someone who could care less. The previous night had him in the same predicament. Then, upon the front door opening, he was excited to see Khalia back and safe.

Unfortunately, it wasn't just Khalia. Theo had stood in the doorway, in all his naked glory carrying Khalia, who was also naked. Dirt was smeared across parts of their bodies. She was sound asleep, face turned into his shoulder. The view shocked him, he didn't want this image to be burned into his mind.

Theo had said nothing to Marcus when he noticed him. Just gave him a sneer before proceeding to Khalia's bedroom. Once Theo had put Khalia into her bed, he shut the door and turned to leave. Catching Marcus glaring at him elicited a callous chuckle.

"You have a better chance of fucking her while shes asleep. It'll be our secret."

The thought of what he was implying sent Marcus into a rage. How could he suggest such a thing after having been with her. The whole ordeal left him sick. He would have strangled Theo right then and there but something about him made him stay in place. Like a scared doe facing an oncoming car, he couldn't move. That sickened him more than Theo's statement. He couldn't defend his friend's honor, no matter how badly he wanted too.

Splashing cool water on his face Marcus shook his head, trying to expel the memory. Glancing in the mirror above the sink, he stared at his blurry reflection. Tomorrow, he'll let her know what that asshole said. Granted, he should have said something earlier.

Donning a determined look, he shook his hands free of water. Stepping out of the bathroom Marcus walked back to his room. Immediately a frown formed, and his face contorted in disgust. His nostrils felt singed when the rancid smell infiltrated his sinuses. Cursing, Marcus looked towards the open window. The curtains fluttered, signaling that the draft he had been waiting for made its way to the room.

Walking over Marcus forcefully shut the window, causing a loud bang to rattle through the room. The ladies had mentioned yesterday how badly Theo's cabin smelled. They had been adamant about not going past there for the remainder of the trip. He pondered for a moment if Khalia was in there while stepping away from the window.

Picking up his glasses from the nightstand he slipped on a brown hoodie and black shorts. Marcus headed for the front door where his shoes were. Once dressed he slinked out into the night, briefly admiring the bright stars from the porch. The moon was ablaze, casting the area into an eerie light. It seemed reminiscent of a strange dream. He felt the breeze caress his right cheek, dragging the stench along with it.

Looking over to the left, Marcus could make out the silhouette of Bears Den cabin. He imagined their windows were closed. There was no way they'd be sleeping with this smell. Turing to the right he could make out the silhouette of the Tahoe and Theo's cabin.

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