Chapter Six

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As the day progressed the sun began to dip behind the western tree line. Vehicles drove in and out of the park at a leisurely place. Oblivious to the ominous energy that overshadowed the area.

Milo sat with his truck idling not too far from the main entrance. A light breeze had picked up, taking the stickiness out of the air. The sounds of a hushed feminine voice filtered in through the windows of his truck. Absentmindedly, he watched Elaina pace back and forth in front of the hood. She was on her fourth phone call and judging by her expressions, the news wasn't good.

Elaina's nose crinkled and her brows furrowed deeply. A scowl formed. Her hushed voice rose, teetering on becoming a yell. When she pulled her phone away from her ear and clenched it tightly in her hand, Milo knew they lost.

 Closing her eyes Elaina inhaled deeply. She did it a few more times, trying to calm her rapidly beating heart. opening them, she was startled when she saw Milo gawking. Frowning she put her phone in her pocket, heading back to the passenger seat. Milo sighed heavily when she slammed his truck door. He didn't recall her name being on the title. 

"So," Elaina turned to face him, "We have no authority to close this park. Especially due to nature taking its course." She used air quotations to emphasize the last four words.

"There was a murder here yesterday!"

"You mean bear attack?" Elaina sighed heavily. "The police department already received the autopsy report. It's ruled as non-homicide. Also, if I don't want to be suspended, I should stop wasting time and resources."

Milo threw the back of his head against the headrest. His face held a look of defeat, but his eyes still had a glimmer of hope. They spent all morning trying to convince the governor to close the cape temporarily. Hell, they even asked the National Park Director. Every attempt was met with hang ups or criticism.

"...What do we do now?"

He turned to the sound of Elaina's voice. Her face was stoic, eyes showing apathy. A frown graced his face. This was not the same spitfire from early this morning. Albeit Milo was enjoying the quietness, this just wasn't a time to sulk.

"We continue to do our jobs. I'll go warn people. You can do the same or you can go back to your department. I'll stay at the station tonight. Hopefully, I can catch who or what is behind this."

"I'll join you tonight."

"No, I don't think that's a good idea."

"You can't honestly say investigating by yourself is a good idea? We both saw the carnage out there."

Elaina sat up straighter in her seat. Her eyes followed Milo's movements as he went and lit a cigarette. Milo sighed.

"Why do you insist on helping? Before you stated it was because of suspicion but there's got to be more. You're a detective. I'm sure you have other cases to solve." 

Milo spoke softly and genuinely. His goal wasn't to sass or condescend. Truth be told he was curious about her investment in this. While the park wasn't a stranger to minor instances, it was strange for federal officers to prolong a closed investigation. Elaina was silent as she studied Milo's face. He watched her eyes dart around rapidly, an internal conflict evident.

"I just- I just do, okay? Those people, they were elderly. They could have just retired. Possibly celebrating their anniversary for all we know. Whatever the case, I'm sure they didn't want to die. You don't go somewhere to relax and expect to be slaughtered. It isn't fair."

"Life isn't -"

"Fair. I know that bullshit cliché."

She turned away, looking out the windshield at passing vehicles. Milo's gut churned uneasily. He knew she was leaving something out though decided not to pry further. Eventually a peaceful silence filled the air.

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