Chapter Eleven

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Sun shined brightly, its rays seeping in through the parted curtains. Khalia basked in the warmth it provided. Sleeping soundly in the hospital bed, she lay curled on her side.Groggily she opened her eyes, then quickly shut them as she blinded herself. Rolling over she raised her right hand and rubbed her eyes. Freeing them of sticky rheum she blinked a few times. No one was around, which she greatly appreciated.

The urge to stretch, Khalia raised her arms over her head. Wiggling her toes, she groaned at how good it felt. Closing her eyes to delight in the feeling.  It seemed too good to be true... 

Khalia's eyes snapped open. Sitting up, she tossed the covers back. Every cast that adorned her body was gone. Staring at her ashen legs Khalia examined all the scars that covered her thighs and calves. There had to be at least fifteen on each leg. Bite wounds covered them as well. Khalia shuddered at how they got there. The raised brown markings filling her with profound pain.

She dragged her hand along her abdomen. The first gnarly bite Theo gave her was now completely healed. Resting atop her tattoo, it marred the art, ruining the beauty it once held. They should never have gone there.

A knock at the door roused her attention, disrupting her lamented thinking. The person on the other side didn't wait for a reply, walking in seconds later. She recognized the two men being the doctors who treated her last night.

Both were older men in their forties. Hair on the cusp of graying and wrinkles had started to show on their faces. Khalia assumed the process must speed up for doctors, with the stress and all. Walking up to her bed they stood on each side. Khalia thought of The Stepford Wives when she took in their smiling faces. A tingle went up her spine the longer they made eye contact with her.

"How are we doing today?" the doctor asked. Khalia read his badge, Dr. Wreath.

"Um, fine? I think."

"Good! I take it you noticed something different today." The other spoke, a Dr. Bennett.

Khalia raised a brow at them both, suspicious of their pseudo kindness. The way they spoke to her was akin to coaxing a toddler. With everything she'd been through, all Khalia wanted to do is return home. She wondered how everyone back there was taking the news. Funerals were going to be held soon, she suspected. Also, Diesel had overstayed his welcome at the doggy daycare. She hoped they didn't send him to the pound.

"Khalia?" Dr. Bennett placed a hand on her shoulder.

Flinching away with a speed Flash would be proud of she gave him a wary look. Raising his hands, he apologized.

"My cast are off. Does that mean I'm okay?"

The doctors grinned at each other. Dr. Wreath pulled a manila folder from under his arm and handed it to Khalia. "I've never seen anything like this in my twenty years of practice."

Opening the folder, she skimmed through at least a dozen x-ray photos. Dated with her name and time, they showed breaks from the first day of admittance to now. Khalias face twisted in confusion.

"I-I don't understand." 

"That's what we'd like to find out. When you were brought here, your chance of survival was slim. You flat lined, twice. Odds didn't seem in your favor. Now, your are healed, organs functioning above level. Like you've never had these life-threatening injuries to begin with. "

Khalia sat muted, taking in Bennett's words. How was all this possible? Picking up on her thoughts Wreath gave a reassuring smile.

"We have some theories; we'll leave that to you to decide if you'd like to explore them. When you get discharged there will be an envelope. It'll provide more detailed information about us and our research facility."

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