Chapter Fifteen

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Cinnamon. A distinct spice. Down a bustling sidewalk or held up in a crowded elevator, its aromatic scent encapsulates. So there was no surprise when Milo concentrated on it. Over the putrescent stench of baking soda, lemon, and...vinegar?

"Halifax, can you hear me?"

Her low mellifluous voice caused his head to jerk in its direction. A heavy cloth rest over his eyes.

"Ah, your awake! Hold on!"

Footsteps padded across the room and a high pitch scraping rang out as curtain rings slid along a metal rod. The noise made his shoulders twitch.

"Sorry, it's bright in here. I don't want your eyes to hurt."

More footsteps moved closer and cinnamon now permeated his taste buds. Cool hands grazed his cheeks when they removed the cloth. At first the room appeared hazy while he adjusted to the environment. A soft tangerine glow emitted from a candle on his nightstand.

"How are you feeling?"

Her concerned tone pulled his gaze to her. Milo tried to recall a time he's ever seen Elaina with her hair down. Wavy black strands cascaded over her shoulders. A baggy grey sweater made her appear shorter than she was. Looking harder Milo took note that he had a similar sweater somewhere around here.

Speaking of around here the dresser was gone, baskets of laundry sat in its place. The wall that took the brunt of the shotgun shells still had a large hole, showing the insulation inside. His carpet, now a mixture of beige and pink, was sopping wet he could see. A bucket and sponge sat next to where he first collapsed.

His brows furrowed and he went to sit up. His bones popped from the movement. He had hoped that the events were a dream. However seeing his environment, and the dull ache pulsating in his side, he knew it were real.

"I feel...dead?"

Her light giggling filled the air.

"You're not if that's any reassurance. You were unconscious for two days. He nicked you good. I didn't think I'd be able to save you. Dr. Wreath wasn't sure the transfusion would take and..."

Trailing off she jumped up out of the chair by his bedside, going back to the bucket. Milo watched her wring out sponge and start working on the carpet. She kept her gaze down, not glancing up to meet his confused stare. Knowing the imminent questions to come.

"What are you Elaina?"

"Yes, he was Khalia's doctor."

Did she not hear?


His voice cracked slightly. A burning sensation irritated his chest and where that beast cut him. Elaina paused. He could see the contemplative expression. Her mouth hanging open, then abruptly shutting.

"Elaina...Elaina don't ignore me! This is serious, I was just gutted by a fucking monster! And then you turned into one. Tell me."

She winced hearing "monster" and ceased her actions. Dubiously under her breath,

"I'm a Shifter."

"A what?"

Again, she murmured. Milo clenched his fist together, eyes narrowing at the woman. With swiftness an injured man shouldn't have, he stalked towards her, snatching her arm and pulling her up off the floor. The motion stunned them both, and he looked down at the knuckle white grip he had on her. Balling up her free hand she winded back. Time stopped watching her fist come towards him.

A sharp crunch saturated the air as Elaina's fist crushed his nose. Sprawling back he hit the ground violently.

"Don't fucking ever in life think you can touch me like that."

Summer Bliss: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now