Chapter Thirteen

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 It was the next day when Milo heard from Elaina. Now, here he stood, transfixed on the coordinated chaos sweeping Rendall Hospital's parking lot. Staff he recognized from yesterday stood with him behind a tangled mess of yellow caution tape. They shuffled their feet, they whispered amongst themselves, some even began to cry.

"I can't believe this happened! Here? At the hospital?"

"Did they say who it was yet? This is so sad."

"I heard it was an ICU Sec. Who's missing?"

"Oh, my goodness. I think it's Estephanie! That's her car, next to Brenda's."

"Hell, it could be Brenda. We won't know until later. Hopefully they increase security. They can't expect us to walk alone out here!"

Milo tried his best not to listen. Instead focusing on the 5'8 detective speaking to a forensic pathologist. He watched her scribble in her notepad. Eyes concentrated as she took in everything the pathologist told her.

"Excuse me? You're that officer from before, correct? Halifax?"

 Milo turned to the voice, recognizing the frail femininity. Behind him stood the plump round-faced nurse from ICU. Her maroon scrubs were heavily wrinkled, and she looked disheveled. Frantically she scanned the close crowd, who no doubt heard her questioning of him. After a minute of searching her shoulders went lax. Stepping closer she asked again.

"You're him, right?"

"Uh, yea, yes I am. Milo Halifax."

Using his arm Milo made a gap in the growing crowd. Guiding the nurse out he ushered her to his where his truck was parked. Helping her inside Milo shut the door, then jumped into the driver seat.

"You seemed skittish out there. Sitting in here might help."

"Thank you."

"What is this about ma'am? Do you have information on what happened?"

Milo watched the nurse bite her lip and look down. She fidgeted with her fingers, entwining them together and repeating the movement.

"You wont believe me."

"What did you see?"

"Y-yesterday, after that girl left, I went to her room. We check for items left behind of the patients. When I was in the bathroom someone walked into the room."

"Did you know the individual?"

"Yes....I heard Estephanie. She goes room to room, takes the patients insurance information. I'm about to ask why she's in here but then I hear a man's voice. I didn't recognize as one of the nurses on ICU. There's only three. I was going to come out the bathroom but..."


"It's what Estephanie said next. Just strange...she said powerful Alpha like you mated to a Kirma."

"Alpha? Mated? ...What did the man say?"

Milo leaned back, confused at the verbiage.

"He only asked where she lived, the girl. He kept repeating the same question and getting very annoyed."

The nursed eyes became hooded as she stared down at the floor. She clutched her thighs tightly to control the light shaking in her legs. A few crystal droplets fell onto her hands. Tightening his jaw he gave her a sympathetic look.

"Estephanie...she didn't tell him, did she?"

"She-she told him she'd give him what he wanted. But she needed something in return. A heir. Nothing more, nothing less."

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