Chapter Twenty Two

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Anger. Unbridled and burgeoning, wrapped its fiery tendrils around Caleesi while she scowled at Theo. The pulsation in cheeks let her know that swelling had started. Grinding her teeth together she got up off the ground. Wiping the blood leaking from her nose with her hand, she flicked her wrist in Theo's direction, splattering her bodily fluid in his face. Tittering, he dragged his tongue across his lips. Sweet and metallic.

"Wait your turn pup. We'll have our fun soon."

He cooed before turning back to his current obsession. Elaina leaned against the opposite wall, her labored breathing a broken symphony in the echoing cellar. One arm on her knee, struggling to hold herself up. The other dangled limply, the large window gash festering with infection.

Clothes once tattered and torn, now lay in strips on the cold ground near her feet. Fresh blood spilled from new cuts along her frame. The worst, a 7-inch horizontal slash under her breast. It leaked like a broken faucet, running down her stomach to her thighs. With every inhale she was being ripped apart.

"What day is it now? I haven't seen anyone come for you. Let alone look for you. Not even Halifax! Opposed to this runt, we received a call within hours. Very admirable of the Cruel-Mane pack."

He said the last part while looking at Caleesi, who spit in his face soon as he faced her. Snarling, he wiped the mucus off his nose.

"Your ego is bigger than your pea sized brain you deformed rat! No-one wants to hear you talk!"

Caleesi spat at him again when he stalked towards her. Elaina's eye widened a fraction and she forced herself off the wall, attempting to stop him from reaching the youngin. Hearing her slow-coming footsteps, Theo whisked back around, lunging forward to seize her throat, and raise her off the ground.

"Since you want to be a savior and not wait your turn..."

With his free hand he flexed his claws, dragging his index nail across Elaina's breasts before stopping above the gaping wound. In a swift motion he thrusted his nail inside. Grinning at how her body tensed then squirmed while he dug into more flesh. Her scream came out choked and garbled when he tightened his grip.

"You're going to save her. Get on your knees."

Caleesi ground her teeth and gave him a hell freezing glare. Her beast raging when she lowered to her knees. Bones shifted but nothing more. She didn't have to ponder where this was going.

Enthused by her complicity, he pulled his hand from Elaina's wound but left the one around her throat, simultaneously undoing his jeans.

"Beta Tomas informed me you were an Omega. Bottom of the rung. This will be a great moment for you. To taste an Alpha."

"And you can taste what it feels like to be dick-less. Do it. I fucking dare you."

Stepping to her Theo stopped when his cock was mere inches from her lips. Giving Elaina's throat a final squeeze he dropped her. She landed with a brutal thud and lay motionless.

Darting her gaze to her limp body Caleesi cringed when a hand wound itself in her braid. Giving it a tug, Theo forced her to look up at him. Caleesi jumped forward, snapping her teeth together, growling more when she only tasted air.


Grabbing her jaw he squeezed until she opened. Gagging while he shoved his index and middle finger in her mouth. The pressure forced against her lower jaw made the corners split open. Attempting to bite him, he pulled her hair back more forcefully. Movement to the side caught her eye and it wasn't long until she met Elaina's tired stare.

Fear. That's all Elaina could see in the youngins eyes.


The words came out hoarse and choked and she erupted in a coughing fit. Theo chuckled coldly, looking between the two ladies. Saliva began to coat his fingers and Caleesi's fearful eyes made his cock painfully erect.

Summer Bliss: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now