Chapter Nine

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When the remainder of the crew stepped outside, they were greeted by the cackling fire. Its flames were still monstrous and intense. Swaying to and fro with the wind. Smoke billowed around, creating a dense haze. Whoever was feeding this fire had remained undetected, even with their watchful eyes on the windows.

Alexa clung tightly to Joey's arm. Her nails digging into his flesh, leaving tiny cuts that began to bleed. Her eyes darted erratically, trying to see through the smoke and darkness. Joey didn't seem to feel the pain, being focused on the area past the fire. It was pitch black; anything could have been watching them right now. With that thought in mind he wasn't taking any chances. They had no room for blunders.

Marcus stood opposite Alexa. His arms hung listlessly at his sides. He noticed his heartbeat quickened with each time he thought of leaving the porch. Goosebumps covered his body while he looked at his cabin and then Theo's. The feeling he had earlier reared its head. It was out there, watching them. Not wanting to be a sitting duck he whispered to Joey, "You and Alexa go first. I can't see the best."

"No, we'll all make a run for the Jeep. The quicker we move the better our chances. Ready? Now." He spoke barely above a whisper, but they heard him. 

They bolted. Stumbling over each other in the process. Time moved painfully slow in those few seconds. Each step towards the car was being propelled by fear. Shadows from the flames slithered across the front end of the Jeep, dancing along the frame. The rest of the vehicle lay in obscurity beside the cabin.

Alexa was the first to arrive. Sweat poured down her face, rolling into her eyes. Grabbing the handle, she waited. Joey and Marcus arrived seconds later. Once she heard the click of the locks Alexa jumped into the passenger seat. Joey followed suit in the drive and Marcus in the backseat.

"Come on, lets go!" Alexa hollered.

Joey shakily inserted the keys in the ignition. Turning he waited for it to kick to life. A sputtering noise filled the air before the car started. It roared to life, briefly, before dying suddenly. Surprised, Joey turned the key again. The Jeep sputtered repeatedly, then died again. Leaning over Alexa peaked at the dash while Joey kept turning the key.

"What's wrong, what's the matter?"

"I-I don't know."

Joey looked at the others. A stench lingered in his nose. Amid his chaotic thinking he didn't notice it. Sniffing, the pungent smell of gas flowed through his nostrils. It tickled his senses with an unsympathetic hand. Mocking him for his slip-up on something so obvious.

The others two watched him keenly, confused by his hesitancy. For only moment, however, a glimmer of realization showing in their eyes. Alexa went to speak, her words faltering due to her racing mind.

"T-the gas? Thats gas."

"Shit!" Balling up his fist Joey slammed it against the window.

"Theo is doing this! Must be."

"What am I doing Marcus!"

Alarmed by the loud pugnacious tone, they screamed. Joey all but jumped into Alexa's lap. Marcus put his hand on the door handle, ready to run. He didn't need his vision to see who it was. Theo stood in front of the Jeep. His silhouette aglow from the fire. Alexa and Joey noticed his naked body before they saw the dark streaks that covered him.

Theo's body shook with uninhibited laughter as he watched the three cower inside the vehicle. Their fear created a heavenly musk that enveloped the area. Like a dense fog that trickles into the morning air, ever present and overly intoxicating.

The arousal it caused to flow through his body was morally repugnant. Briefly he allowed one of his soiled hands to caresses his quickly hardening cock. He wasn't aware of the exact time his lust for carnage manifested to such levels. Theorizing its birth to be brought on after his exile. After the realization that his graceless fall from the upper echelons was an orchestrated masterpiece.

Summer Bliss: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now