Liam lets out a huge breath.

“I'm sorry babe, you sounded so serious all of a sudden,” he chuckles “That was silly of me,”

“It was, and kinda cute too,” he slaps my shoulder playfully.

“So, what is it?”

“It's an anniversary gift for the best hubby in the world,” I handed him the envelope. Liam frowned a bit.

“I thought we agre-”

“Just read it first Li,...” I smirk.

Carefully, Liam tore the envelope open. His eyes squinted a bit as he tries to read the white papers. His eyes suddenly widens and a huge smile forms on his lip.

“Adoption forms?” Liam asks excitedly, happiness lacing his voice.

“Yup! I really think that we're ready to start a family,”

“Ar-are you sure? I mean, are you ready?”

“If you're ready, then I am too. We're in this together,”

He jumps out from his seat and engulfs me into a bear hug.

“Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you,” he mutters as he buries his face in the crock of my neck.
“No babe, thank YOU! You've made me the happiest man alive and now we'll get to share it,” I kiss his forehead lovingly.

“We're gonna adopt kids!! Hear that guys?!” Liam announces to the people around the restaurant. The customers and even the waiters applaud and wolf-whistles at us. I chuckle at Liam's excitement. This will be a start of an amazing adventure.

Well, let's just say that night ended with handcuffs on the bed and loads of kisses or snogging.

The next week we were absolutely busy arranging meeting with the orphanage, and buying and moving stuff to our new house. Yup, a new house. When I told my parents that we're going to adopt a child, they were ecstatic and bought a house, not that I'm complaining, and was glad that they don't have to wait until all their hairs are gray to hold their grandchild. Liam said that it was too much and our current house is sufficient, but after I explained to him that a house with three bedrooms and a non-existing backyard is not really the place we want to raise our kid or kids. Yeah, I have given the thought that we may want more than one kid. Liam finally agreed, and we moved all our stuff to our new home with five rooms, four bathrooms, a huge kitchen, a large living room, amazing backyard and it's own garage. We bought some new furniture and a few or a lot of stuff for a one year boy because Liam wanted a baby boy and somehow, I totally agree with it. We hope that this kid, whoever he may be, like blue, because all of his stuff are mostly blue.

The third week after our anniversary, we receive a phone call from the orphanage saying that they've approved our application. We picked an all-boys orphanage. So now, an excited-super-hyper Liam is restlessly waiting for me to get ready.

“Zee,..... I really love your hair, I do. But if you don't hurry, I might buzz it like what I did with mine!” Liam whines.

“Babe, what's the rush? It's 7.30! They won't be expecting us until 8!” I continue on fixing my hair, making the quiff look perfect.

“But Zee....,” Liam whines and pouts his lips. I couldn't help but to kiss his puckered lips, nibbling it a bit.

“Fine, let's go,”

When we arrive at the orphanage, the young brunette lady at the receptionist table looked shocked and happy to see us. She gave us a warm smile, flashing her set of white shiny teeth. \

“Mr. and Mr. Payne-Malik! You're early!”

“Yeah, someone here is really excited, like literally.” I smirk. Liam elbowed me playfully.

“Just want to meet my future son,” Liam shrug.

“Ahh... I see,” The receptionist smiles “Well my name Is Emma, let me escort you to the nursery. Most of the kids are awake and playing,”

She led us to a huge hardwood floor room filled with about 20 boys, age range from possibly 2 years old to twelve years old. Some were running, giggling, watching the television, and reading.

“You to have a look around and I'll get the papers ready,” Emma smiles and left.

Liam and I separately wander around the room. I feeling very sorry towards these kids; I don't know how I'll live without my parents. But seeing their happy faces, it somehow made my heart swell. Well, today one of these kid will be lucky enough to be our son.

I walked around the orphanage for nearly half an hour until I ended up in the kitchen. It was quite huge and on the long dining table, there was a small boy, probably not older than 2 year old with a tattered teddy bear, munching a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. He has dirty blonde hair, pale skin and from what I can see, two bright oceanic blue eyes. I slowly walked towards him and took a seat beside him. When he sees me, his head shot up, tilting a bit cutely, and pulls away the half-eaten PB and J sandwich. His eyes widens and his cute face has smudges of peanut butter and purple jelly.

“Hey bud, what's your name?” I asks him softly.

“I Ni-aall,” He points his chubby finger at his chest I smile at his somewhat cute grammar error.

“Well Niall, how old are you?”

“I o-one,” he puts up two fingers. I chuckle again; is he one or two?

“Is that your teddy?”

“Bwen, his bwen” Niall points at his old, tattered white teddy bear. “Niall's fwen,”

God, this boy is perfect.

Niall holds up his sandwich at me with smile on his face. When I try to took a bite out of it, he pulls the sandwich away and giggles. '

“Niall's,” he stated.

Okay, he is MORE than perfect.


[A/N] PLEASE leave me your feedback!! vote+comment+follow+anything!!

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