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       I rush through the streets, driving above the speed limit, drifting at every curve. I shouldn't have left. I told her no one would harm her but mere thugs were able to get to her. If not for Rang my wife would be gone.

       Once at the penthouse I don't even park my car properly. I feel such anxiety that I might just fall apart. The elevator doesn't help my case. Why the heck isn't this thing any faster?

      As soon as the doors are open I'm sprinting. I bust open my penthouse door to find Rang in the living room on a phone call, but wheres Naomi? Wheres Naomi damn it!

      Rang ends the call once he sees me and puts the phone in his pocket. "Relax she's okay. Just knocked out cold."

I sigh. "They didn't do anything to her, right?"

      Rang shakes his head pacing over to the thugs, tied up in the corner of the room. "I got here before they could do anything."

      Amatuers, Thank God. I'm even more religious now and its all because of her. My princess. Please God, if you really are there don't ever let them take her away from me.

"Take off their masks, I want to know who sent them."

"Probably no one big. Someone dangerous wouldn't be stupid enough to hire such amatuers."

    I walk over to Naomi who is unconscious on the couch. She looks a bit pale but shes breathing. Thank God.

   I caress her cheek to find it slightly cold. I hate to see her like this, I never want to see her this way again.

"Rang have Antoine clear up the mansion, that will be our new place of stay."

    Rang crouches before the unconcious Thugs. "Really you're moving there? That doesn't mean you've succumbed have you?"

    I glare at him with irritation. "I will never succumb, I don't run from any enemy but in this case my wife is endangered. The enemy has seen her as my weakness so in any case, this attack is just the beginning."

"Alright then its your call, what about these

"Find out who hired them then finish them off. I don't want them living another day."

"Sure, have me do all your dirty work, oh great one."

    I ignore his sarcasm and check and Naomi. Come on wake up for me now princess. You're making me worried. That drug should have worn out by now.

   As if hearing my pleas she starts stiring. Finally I get to see her beautiful eyes again. She sits up immediately after looking around for a bit.

"Hey, take it easy, you just woke up. How are you feeling?" She doesn't reply and only then do I realise she's crying.

   Alarmed I try to pull her into my arms but she pushes me away. Huh, I thought we were good, whats the problem now. "Whats wr-"

"You said you wouldn't let anyone hurt me! I wouldn't have even been here if it wasn't for the person who saved me."

"You have me to thank for that." Rang says.

    My head snaps at him. "Shut it. I don't want another word out of you. Infact just leave and takes those nuisances with you."

    Rang looks like he's about to retaliate but knowing what i'd do he shrugs and leaves without saying another word.

   Naomi looks more hurt than I've ever seen her. How could I have been stupid enough to leave her unprotected. It's true, if it wasn't for Rang she could have been badly hurt or worse...dead.

"Princess-" I try to comfort her by caressing her cheek but she wacks my hand away. It seems like evey time we make progress in our marriage, something must always try to throw us off balance.

"Don't princess me. You're supposed to protect me but you failed. If you can't protect me now, how can you protect me later."

    The statement hits like a bullet because she has a point. I remember promising to hear mother that I'll make her happy but I've only caused her more pain than happiness.

"I can't see the future, you'll just have to trust that I can."

"I did trust you. That's why I stayed in the first place. Do you really think i'd just marry a mafia prince not to mention my ex bestfriend."

    Oh my days, I thought we were over this already. Naomi must always find a way to make me feel like crap.

Okay I'm not about to over react she's on her period so naturally she's moody. I just have to be patient with her.

     I dont even know how to deal with her statements anymore so the best thing to do is avoid it. "We're moving."

     Her eye brow goes up in confusion only for her to release her rage. "Moving! You can't just drop that bomb on me so suddenly. You're not making any sense."

"I'm making plenty sense. As long as you're in California you'll be put in danger. What happened today is nothing compared to what could happen. So to prevent that we're moving."

"Do you even realise how big of a deal that is for me. Every body I know lives in California. Where the heck are we even going?"

"Miami." I try to reply calmly. Thats the thing with Naomi, you have to have a particular patience in dealing with her. Shes so bipolar I swear.

      Her eyes widen in a berserk way, twitching horribly. Its clear she's on the verge of breaking. "Oh thats even better." Her voice lowers in a menacing way, it makes me almost shiver.

"Sure, take me across the country. All because you're incapable of providing me protection!" She suddenly gets off the chair. She strides towards the stairs, laughing and muttering to herself.

     I can't tell if she's lost it or if she's trying to throw me off. Either way she's succeeded in making me feel guilty.

    Naomi stops half way up the stairs. "I'll pack my bags but just know...I despise you for this."

     Despise? She has to be kidding. Dispise is the equivalent to hate. She's practically saying she hates me. Oh my days, how are we always fighting over the tiniest things.

Relax Nicholas she's going through something really painful right now and the recent incident just added to the pain. She'll come to soon enough.

    Before I can say anything, shes disappeared into our room. If I were to chase after her she'd just ignore me. Its a lose, lose situation.

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