Familiar Stranger

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   Willow hands me a mask as we walk in and I put it on concealing my identity from the many strangers in the room.

      The club is a wide space yet it's crowded with people moving up and down, each person wearing a mask. The blue and purple neon lights mixed with the dark atmosphere, the music is electrifying and as I watch the people dancing around I feel like joining them.

"I'm gonna go get a drink, do you want something!?" Willow shouts over the loud music.

"Yeah, I'll have some water!" I shout back.

She rolls her eyes "Naomi be serious!"

       Although I can barely hear her, I grin and laugh. "Fine, I'll have a margarita!"
She smiles and nods leaving me in the crowd.

     At first I stand and observe but then Rihanna's Dont Stop The Music starts playing and I find myself swaying to the music.
As the song continues I find myself whining and getting stares from men and women alike.

     One daring black haired, grey eyed man even puts his hands around my waist pressing his body against mine, swaying with me and I allow him.

      I'm happy my judgy parents aren't around or by now I'd be hearing.
'Naomi how dare you tarnish our reputation like this, you good for nothing brat.'

   Now I really start to feel the adrenaline. I press against the man whining low and sensually. Pressure starts to build up between us, with him rolling his hips with my moving body.

   By the time the song ends I'm covered in sweat and I turn around to look at my dance partner, to find him smiling.

     He almost looks recognizable, I try to identify him but before I can Gasolina comes on and people start dancing again.

  I don't know how but I find myself being pulled to the side by a man, with his hands around my hips.

   He tries dancing with me but I'm not feeling it so I push him off, well at least I try to as the man doesn't budge grinding vigorously against me.

     I start to see red. How did I get myself into this? How the hell is this guys grip so strong? I want to panic but that won't help in this case, so I calm myself down and try to think rationally.

   I step on his foot with my heels and he jumps with a shriek, letting me go.

     Wow! I'm surprised that even worked. I don't wait to see what he'll do next , instead I disappear into the crowd in search of Willow, who was supposed to get me a drink.

       As I finally leave the crowd and see the bar I find Willow sitting on the lap and making out with a black haired Asian.

"Willow!" I shout loud enough for her to hear. She breaks the kiss and pulls away from the Asian guy, both of them staring at me.

    At first she's annoyed but then she goes wide eyed, as if forgetting she came with me.

    She whispers something into the mans ear, making him lick his lips and smirk then getting off his lap and walking over to me.

    She embraces me, talking into my ear. "Nima, I'm so sorry I forgot you, its just that hot guy started talking to me and I got distracted. Speaking of which I'd really like for him to get in my pants tonight, so can you overlook my negligence just this once and let me have him."

     Classic Willow. I love her, I really do but sometimes she goes overboard with the hookups.

"I'm supposed to be spending the night at your house, what am I gonna do when you're gone huh? I don't know anyone in this club."

"Nonsense! Look at you I'm sure more than two guys have tried dancing with you. Don't be afraid babes, knock yourself out. Forget your parents, forget Nicholas, forget me even, just go crazy, alright."

    I gulp and nod pulling away from her embrace "I'll do my best."
She smiles and reaches into her purse. She then takes out her house keys and gives them to me. "Take it, just in case you do end up going back."

    She caresses my cheek. "Be safe Naomi." Then turning away and walking back to the Asian guy who has been waiting for her patiently. I watch him put his arm around her waist as they walk out the club.

      I'm now standing alone and for some reason the music feels sour, so I go to the bar and order the margarita Willow was supposed to get me.

      One margarita turns to two and two turns to three. I'm about to drink down my fourth one when someone takes a seat next to me.

        I'm no lightweight so I'm not drunk, yet my vision feels blurry. I rub my eyes and blink a bit, looking at the person that sat next to me.

      As my vision clears up I realise it's my dance partner from before. He orders a whiskey and a coke and he mixes them together.

       I can't help but stare at him. His side view is lovely and I crave to kiss his jawline.
He chuckles and it's deep "it's not nice to stare" he says taking a swig of his whiskey.

I feel myself burning up. Thank God I'm too black to blush.

"Im sorry I can't help it, you're oddly attractive." I say, the alcohol making me more bold and flirtatious.

      He smiles and faces me. He looks so familiar but the mask stops me from figuring out who he is.

"You're oddly attractive yourself and you're quite the dancer." He comments.

   Damn I wish I could subtract those clothes. Wait why? Omg! That was cringe.

The burning sensation increases. "Oh really? You were very bold for grabbing onto my waist, I'm glad you did though. You made a great dance partner." I say clutching my margarita glass.

   I'm about to lose my self control but fuck it I don't care anymore.

     I latch onto him connecting my lips to his and damn they're soft. He doesn't resist when I expect him to, instead he kisses me back, putting both his hands around me and pulling me closer.

      I moan into the kiss as it becomes more passionate and sensual. My body feels like it's on fire and I need relief, I need it quickly.

      It doesn't take long though for me to feel his bulge, so I break the kiss and look into his eyes hoping he would read my mind.

And he does.

  My mask and clothes come off the moment we enter the room.

   He does the same but as he's about to take off his mask I stop him "don't, I wanna do it with it on."
He doesn't retaliate and pins me down on the bed.


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