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     It's been a month since the incident. I'm waiting. I wouldn't say patiently but I'm waiting. As he's being judged whether innocent or guilty. After showing them the abuse marks and giving my testimony he just has to be guilty. I mean even my mother stood as a witness at the trial.

     There's silence and I can feel my heart beating extremely fast like it's going to come out my chest. "Guilty."

      I collapse onto the couch feeling relief wash over. Finally I've gotten the justice I deserve.

     As I wallow in happiness I hear the main door open. Thinking it's Nicholas I raise my head in hopes to see his dreamy eyes but instead I'm met with shock.

    Maybe my eyes are playing tricks on me or I'm actually seeing Rang. No it can't be real but it is as he starts walking towards me.

      I freeze my heart pounding faster in my chest. Oh fuck! Isn't he a mafia member? What if he's in a rival family? Is he going to kill me. Fuck! Where's Nicholas when I need him?

      Before I can even blink he's looking down at me with a poker face. I don't know why but I look him in the eye even though on the inside I'm trembling in fear.

     He raises his hand to hit me but I don't flinch I don't even block, I just continue staring at him. Suddenly he starts laughing and I feel confused. Do I look pathetic or something?

"Not even a flinch, I thought you'd be shivering and begging but not even a flinch. Considering your past with abuse you should have been. I'm not sure if I should call you brave or naive," he snickers.

     I raise an eyebrow. How the hell does he know? I can't assume it's Willow because even she doesn't know, also what a jerk making fun of my trauma is so low.

     Now I don't feel the slightest bit scared, I feel rather defensive. "What the fuck do you want and how the hell do you know about my past?"

      He doesn't look bothered by my questions, he sits on another couch and looks at the television where my mothers trial is being played, then he looks at me. "Your fiancé sent me to look after you, I hope you're not stupid and can see the connection."

     My eyes widen as I start connecting the dots. My fiancé, Nicholas. Wait a damn minute, are they friends? Of course it's Nicholas, he's the only one that knows about it other than my parents but how dare he tell this rat!

"Seeing your expression I'm gonna assume you get what I'm laying down."

I nod, feeling more curious than before I ask, "What's your relationship with him?"

He smirks. "You could say we're business partners."

     I sigh, I'm not even surprised anymore. Rang being a mafia man, Nicholas being a mafia man it all connects.

"Why'd he even send you, I can handle myself."

    He chuckles. "I like your grit but you wouldn't last on your own. Your fiance's a don, not just any don, the don of the Azer family. A family that has power to rival armies. The moment you marry him your life will be at stake, constantly."

    That doesn't scare me at all, in fact it makes me feel adrenaline. Yeah, the fact that my life will constantly be on the line makes me feel alive. I'm wierd for it but that's adrenaline.

I smile. "That doesn't scare me hence my point, he shouldn't have sent you."

   He shakes his head. "In that case you wouldn't mind holding this for me."

   He gets up and puts his hand in his pocket, then pulling out a pistol and dropping it in my lap.

   I stare at the pistol, I've never held a gun before but it can't be too bad. I can't let him have the satisfaction of me bluffing.

  I pick it up grasping the magazine firmly and for some reason it feels so right.

  Rang smirks and crouches, the muzzle now directly on his chest. "Shoot"

I hesitate for a moment. I had never shot anyone before, but the man before me is daring me to do it. He isn't going to kill me, he wants to see if I have the guts to pull the trigger.

So I take a deep breath and pull the trigger.

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