Stay Away

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I walk with purpose as I enter the headquarters, how fucking dare he try to take what's mine.

"You! Wheres Christopher?" I ask one of the guards on duty.

"He's not around, Mr Azer."

"Alright, give me his location." My hands fall into my pockets ready to pull the trigger at any moment.

"I'm not permitted to do that." I huff, my patience low.

The Bullet of my pistol hits his chest and he falls unconscious.

I raise up my gun. "Now if you guys don't want to meet the same fate as him, take me to your boss."

They all aim they're guns at me. "Wrong move."


Many dead bodies later, one of them agrees to show me where Christopher is. He leads me to a secluded part of the manor, moans and the sound of skin against skin echoing through the corridor.

I bust the door open. Christopher is bent over a girl, who looks like she's about to pass out. They don't even acknowledge my presence, Christopher continuing to pound away.

Alright, it looks like I'll have to do this the hard way. I aim my pistol at the headboard of the bed. The bullet glides and hits the girls forehead, only then does Christopher pay me attention, his head snapping in my direction.

I shrug. "That was a mistake, sorry to spoil your fun."

Christopher glares at me. "You could have at least waited for me to finish. I don't want to fuck a carcass."

"Too bad, we need to talk."

He huffs and gets off the girl wrapping a robe around his body.

"What do you want?"

I put my gun back into my pocket. And walk over to him. "It's simple really."

My fist makes contact with his face. "Stay away from my girl."

We break out into a fight me having an advantage over him. "How many times must I tell you, stay away from what's mine?"

Groans leave his mouth as he tries fighting back but with him pinned to the ground there's not much he can do.

Time and time again I graze his face, till he looks like he can't take anymore.

"I can't have you dying on me now so I'm going to stop here but heed me warning Christopher or I swear on my fathers life I will end your days of happiness."

"Fuck you." He spits, blood. How disgusting.

I get off him and wipe my hands with his bed sheets. "Don't forget who's greater here, if you're not careful you'll lose everything."

He sits up touching his banged up face. "When haven't I lost everything to you?"

I smirk. "My point exactly."

I'm about to walk out when I decide to anger him more. "You should work on your guards defence skills. Those men are shit."

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