I Deserve It

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Nicholas wouldn't let me go but after a short cuddle session I forced him to get ready.

I'm dressed in all white, looking like hot chocolate with marshmallows. I'm wearing a white spaghetti strap dress with a fur coat on top (curtesy of Nicholas), with white stiletto boots.

Nicholas on the other hand in dressed in a black trench coat and boots. Plain as it is he still looks good. He looks good in anything.

I finish up my natural makeup look and smile at my portable mirror. I feel more free, able to dress however. More like myself. I turn around to find Nicholas staring at me intently.

I start feeling butterflies in my stomach. "Is my look okay." He shakes his head. "You look lovely, right now you remind me of my mother."

I smile. "Do I?" Nicholas nods and caresses my cheek then giving me a soft kiss on the lips that I wish would last longer. "I just wish she was here to see you. She'd be so happy to know we lasted."

I hum remembering Florence. She was a kind woman, kinder than any of the Azers. She was always inviting me over for tea or brunch. We'd have conversations about life and she'd tease me about how Nicholas talked about me more than anyone.

The truth was Nicholas talked about her way more than whoever was in his life. He idolized her. When she died to an ambush whiles on vacation, Nicholas disappeared for a whole semester. We were in 7th grade by then. When he came back his eyes were darker and he was colder. He was never the same again.

In my opinion he's really come a long way from the boy he use to be. He's a man now. My man.

"Do you know why I spoil you so much?" He holds my waist and tilts my head up. Even with my boots, he's taller than me. Laughing I snort unexpectedly. "I'm sorry, I never knew you needed a reason to spoil me."

Nicholas chuckles and shakes his head, realizing how he sounded. "Of course not, I'd spoil you regardless but there is a specific reason."

I feel a playful wave of energy and boop his nose. "Then what's the reason?" Nicholas takes my hand to stop me from going further. "Even with all the money my father wasn't able to give my mother the life she deserved..."

"...With all his money he wasn't able to protect her from that attack that he could have saved her from easily. That's why I'll do everything to protect you and give you the best life. As long as I'm alive you won't have to suffer ever again."

I smile and coo. "Aww, how thoughtful of you." He raised an eyebrow. "No thank you?"

I give him a cheeky smile and start for the door. "None is needed, I deserve it." Nicholas sighs, walking behind me. "I blame myself."

He slides the keycard in its slot and the door opens, allowing me to step outside.

As I walk towards the elevator a teenager suddenly runs out of it and trips me in the process. I shriek but just as I'm about to fall a firm hand grabs hold of my waist, catching me.

I look up to find a talk brunette man with beautiful hazel eyes and soft rosy pink lips. Well at least they look soft. I can't help being so observant, I learned that from my mother.

"Are you okay habibi?" I nod and he releases me from his grip. His voice is deep with an accent. Arab I assume. He's dressed well in a navy blue suit, charming as he is he's glaring but not at me, at Nicholas.

The two seem to be having some kind of competition. Who can be more menacing.

"Nicholas." Nicholas fold his arms and his eyes narrow. "Mufak, what are you doing in Switzerland?"

The man places his hands in his pockets. "On business. You?"

"I'm on business with my wife, it seems you've met her."

Mufak stares at me looking me up and down. A smile etched his face. "Always pulling people out of your league. I wonder how you do it."

Nicholas frowns and I feel a deep resentment coming from him. "Mind your own business."

Mufak smiles and suddenly takes my hand, then kissing it. "When you get tired of settling for less, I'm always available." He slides a card into my coat pocket and walks off.

      It seems I've just met another enemy? How many enemies does Nicholas have exactly? I'm not surprised though, Nicholas doesn't like anybody. Well, anybody that isn't me.

   As I'm standing dazed Nicholas grabs my arm and hooks it with his, in a possessive manner. I look up, wanting to see his eyes but he's not looking at me. He just walks into the elevator, a black aura surrounding him.

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