In The Mansion

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        Visiting my mom is the last thing I thought I'd be doing after marrying Nicholas. Even killing someone was more expected than this.

     I knock on the mansion door and it's opened by a new face, a maid I've never seen before. "I'm here to see my mother."

The woman nods and let's me in. My mother's sitting at a table with her head held down. This is the lowest she's ever been at and all because of me, even though she should still be in here for being part of the mafia and being an accomplice in abuse.

"Mother" I call in a monotone voice as I near the table. She doesn't raise her head to look at me and I can't pick up any malice or disappointment from her.

She continues to bow her head as I sit but she speaks up, "What is it that you want Naomi?"

"I have time let's not be too hasty," I reply, "how's life been doing you?" I question.

"I've been quite well. What about you? I trust Nicholas has been treating you well."

I've always wanted that kind of mother daughter relationship, the one where we can gossip, share interests in fashion, cook together and just spend time together generally.

    I'm not too moved but I want to have hope. I deserve happiness so I will embrace it.

After she has settled down I finally decide to bring up the talk of business.

"Mother I heard from Nicholas that you were part of the mafia," I state.

     She nods warily." I still am. Remember all those times I was dressed fancy? I was dressed for meetings," she explains.

I gasp. "I always thought you were secretly cheating on father," I tell her.

She chuckles and shakes her head. "No, I loved him way too much to even think about that."

   I purse my lips, mad at the fact that she was so infatuated with him. "In that case can you give me some information" I ask.

"What would you like to know about?"

"I need the code to your vault." I tell her,
hoping to help Nicholas get somewhere with his investigation.

She frowns and sighs, "Naomi I should not be discussing about this with you," she replies.

My eyebrows crease. "Why not?"

"Because telling you would be disloyal to my mafia," she explains.

       I huff and purse my lip, thinking of a way to get her to talk. That's when I realisation I can use her words against her which also makes me gone to the realisation that I'm very toxic.

"But mother you said you want me to be happy. How can I be happy if my only source of happiness dies. Nicholas is on a time limit and if I don't help him he'll be killed" I try to convince her.

"Naomi I can't" she resists.

She looks like she won't budge and after long back and forth with her she allows progress. "I suppose I can tell you."

Part of me has this strong will. I may love Nicholas but I'm still loyal to myself.

She gets up and walks over to the book shelf in the corner of her office. She traces the books on the shelf till she reaches Hamlet by William Shakespeare. Her favorite author.

She picks the book from the shelf and I wonder why, only then do I see the lever behind it. Has that always been behind there? Well I'm hardly ever in here so it makes sense that I don't know.

She pulls down the lever and steps away from the book shelf. I watch in awe as the shelf divides and reveals a door. So I was so clueless in my own house?

My mother opens the Hamlet book and out of it she takes out a golden key. She uses the key to unlock the door, gesturing for me to follow her as she walks in.

The room behind the door is completely empty. I frown in confusion, is t there supposed to be a safe in here. My mother is completely silent, she walks to center of the room and suddenly a blue bubble like sphere appears around her. What kind of technology is this?

"You have now walked into the private safe of the Baker family. State your name and your task." A loud robotic voice rings through the room.

My mother holds her head high and holds her hand to her heart as if making an oath. "Natasha Baker, daughter of Frank Baker. I need to get a file out of the safe."

The sphere glowed even brighter and then started to spin and a loud alarm rang.
Suddenly, the sphere stopped spinning and a robotic voice echoed through the room.

"Access Granted. Welcome back Natasha."

The sphere around my mother disappears into thin air like it had never been there, not even leaving a trace of it behind.

Shelves full of files pops out of the walls, surrounding each corner, my mother walks gracefully towards them.

"Who's file are you looking for?"

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