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"Crazy who makes me the happiest, can make me the saddest."
                             —IFHY:Tyler The Creator

     The silence in the penthouse would be called awkward by many people but to me it's just perfect.

    I wouldn't mind hearing her voice everyone and then but with the position we're in im completely content.

   Naomi lays snuggled up next to me on the couch, her head on my chest as she sleeps. I'm working on a presentation for work and her presence is the best comfort.

     Once in a while I smile would grace her lips and I'd wonder what she's thinking about. I know its good but if I were to ask her she wouldn't tell me.

    I run my fingers through her soft curly hair. It's always fascinated me how she always keeps it so tame and blessing to the eye. She's so beautiful. How is she so beautiful?

    As I get lost in thought there's a knock on the door. A groan escaped my mouth. Can I not have peace in my life?

    I carefully lay Naomis head down on a pillow, trying my best not to wake her, since she's a light sleeper.

I stretch as I get up. Crack!

Damn! Was I that tense?

   Slowly I make my way over to the door ready to shut out anyone standing there. Oh! What if it's Christopher. Actually let it be, I want to punch that proud look off his face.

     I open the door to see a bubbly blond dressed in pastel. So this must be Cloe. Come on Naomi, this is the person that has been stealing your attention. You can do way better.

"Mr Azer, is Naomi in there? We were supposed to have a coffee hang out today." She asks excitedly.

Her positivity disgusts me.

"She's sleeping." I reply, coldly.

"Oh! That's a shame, I was really lookin forward for today."

This girls voice annoys me.

"Is there any chance that you can wake her up?"


"Oh! Then when she wakes up, please tell her I came."

"Alright." I probably won't

"Thank you." She smiles and leaves, skipping down the hall.

     That girl is a psychopath, I'm sure of it. Also why does she look so familiar?

     I shut the door and make my way back to the living room. Naomi is sat up on the couch, rubbing her eyes. Cute.

"Hey princess, how did you sleep?" I ask, leaning against the back of the couch. "Like a baby..." she replies with a yawn, "...but you really need to stop disappearing like that."

  I smile gently. "Princess, I'd never abandon you. I'd rather take you with me." I assure her.

Her eyes scan the room skeptically. "Yeah sure, anyways, who was at the door?"

"No one."

   She frowns. "Don't lie to me Nicholas, I hate being lied to." I raise my hands in submission. "Okay fine, it was Cloe."

"Why would you lie about that?"

"I don't know..." I shrug "... I just don't like her."

    She huffs. "This jealousy thing of yours is completely stupid, it's getting out of hand."

"Quite the opposite actually, I'm only looking out for you. That girl is a psychopath."

"Oh my days! You're so unserious..." Her eyes widen in realization, "... damn it! I forgot about our hangout. She came over to pick me up and you didn't wake me. Why would you do that?"

Oh God! I've angered her.

"Look, you were sleeping and I didn't want to disturb you, besides you guys can go out on another day, spend the day with me instead."

     She face palms and takes in a deep breath. "You're so infuriating... I hate being incompetent Nicholas!"

"But you're not-"

"You need to stop controlling me like this, I'll hang out with whoever I want to, whether you like it or not."

Controlling her? When do I ever control her? Have I been doing that subconsciously?

"Princess don't be mad, I'm sorry. It won't happen again-"

"I don't want to hear it. Forget what I said about you being mature. Your jealousy blinds you. Imagine! You're even suspicious of my friends now. Next thing I know I won't be able to leave the house anymore!"

This is getting worse. Damn it! I'm so fucked.

"Naomi, I would never. I promise you, the last thing I'd do is take away your freedom."

"Promises, promises, let's hope you can keep them."

     She starts walks away from me and I feel a burning sensation in my chest. I don't like her back facing me. I want to see her face.

It feels like I'm losing her, I can't lose her. She's mine!

"Princess I-"

   She turns and glares at me. "Cloe is the only friend I have, I won't let you ruin our bond." With that she gone upstairs and I'm left feeling like my hearts being compressed.

   I'm losing her, she might leave me. I can't let her leave me. She wouldn't right?

    I plop onto the couch, massaging my aching head. Think Nicholas, think. How can you make it up to her.

   Once more I've scored in making my wife upset after I promised to never hurt her again. What am I doing?

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