Chapter 4204

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Why couldn't Feng Wu understand how difficult it was for him? Feng Yanbing rubbed her head in frustration. 

Just then, the eldest princess really went to the palace. The eldest princess had always been Yan Di's right-hand woman, so when she went to the palace to complain, Yan Di had a very bad impression of Feng Wu and disliked the Luo family even more. "The Luo family is getting more and more disrespectful to the royal family."  The eldest princess criticized to Yan Di.

Crossing his hands behind his back, Yan Di snorted. "The Luo family kicked your son-in-law out of the house. He's not very capable after all." 

He had ordered people not to mention Feng Yanbing being kicked out of the Luo family by Feng Wu, so the eldest princess only knew that the Luo family had kicked him out, but she didn't know that it was Feng Wu. Even if she did, she wouldn't believe it. 

"And Feng Wu isn't a good person either." Yan Di glanced at the eldest princess. "What are you going to do?" 

The eldest princess said, "We need Feng Xiaoqi to treat Ning'er, but I heard that Feng Wu has Divine Phoenix Blood..."

"Divine Phoenix Blood? Back then... his Divine Phoenix Blood?" Yan Di was surprised. 

The eldest princess was secretly pleased, but she didn't show it on her face. She nodded slowly. "Yes, Mu Jiuzhou's Divine Phoenix Blood." Mu Jiuzhou had always been a flower name. His real surname was the same as Emperor Yan's, Shangguan. However, they would rather call him Mu Jiuzhou than call him by another name. 

"Isn't he dead? Has he been reduced to ashes? Why is the Divine Phoenix Blood..." Yan Di narrowed his eyes. "I saw it with my own eyes..."

The eldest princess shook her head. "I don't know if Feng Wu's Divine Phoenix Blood has anything to do with Mu Jiuzhou. It shouldn't be..." 

Yan Di's expression grew more serious. 

The eldest princess said, "Moreover, Mu Temple didn't show up to pick her up this time. She might not be related to Mu Jiuzhou." 

Yan Di waved his hand. "Not necessarily..." 

While Yan Di was muttering to himself, the corners of the eldest princess's mouth curled up slightly. She knew that the person Yan Di feared the most in his life was Mu Jiuzhou. Anyone who was associated with Mu Jiuzhou would be seen as his lifelong enemy. Mu Jiuzhou had disappeared, and the Mu Divine Temple had been so low-key, but Yan Di still regarded him as a thorn in his side. It could be seen how much of a shadow Mu Jiuzhou had left on him. Therefore, whenever Feng Wu and Mu Jiuzhou were connected, Emperor Yan would want nothing more than to kill Feng Wu. 

Sure enough. Yan Di glanced at the eldest princess and frowned. "Go and find out if Feng Wu and Mu Jiuzhou are really related. If they are, kill her."

The eldest princess hesitated. "But Feng Wu is very talented. No, she's extremely talented... I don't think my subordinates can do anything to her..."

A tinge of fear appeared in Yan Di's eyes. "Is she already so powerful now?"

The eldest princess nodded. "She's at least a Level 3 Spiritual Emperor."

Yan Di said, "Level 3 Spiritual Emperor. She is indeed a top genius at her age. If such a genius grows up, if she has nothing to do with Mu Jiuzhou, she still ahs half of the Luo family's blood flowing in her veins. The Luo family..." Yan Di thought for a while and ordered the eldest princess, "Do it."

The eldest princess seemed surprised. "Brother, Mu Jiuzhou..."

Yan Di waved his hand. "Whether she is related to Mu Jiuzhou or not, the fact that she is of the Luo family's blood is enough. Get rid of her before she grows up."

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