Chapter 6- World Crumbling

Start from the beginning

It took him a few minutes of confusion before realizing the pain on his lower neck, connecting to his right shoulder. How did he get-


That's right. He was violated. And he is now an omega. A claimed one, if that is what the bite meant. And to top it all off, his friends know. That he took the alleyway and got himself in trouble. That he is a mess of a failure. That he doesn't deserve their protection because he couldn't even defend himself. He probably put everyone in danger. He is a failure. And he deserves what happened because he is not worth it.

He is just a pathetic claimed omega now.

"New..." Inn calls, alerted by New's heavy breathing. But before he can proceed any longer, the broken man interrupts, not wanting to hear anything. Nothing can be said that can make him feel better. That can make everything go away. This is too much for him to swallow right now. He would rather sleep. And be left alone. "It's... it's not your fault."

"I can't..."

"Inn..." again, he stops the man from talking and stares at the floor. The wound on his neck is throbbing and New bites his lips to distract himself from the pain. From the bite that showcases his weakness for all to see.

New glares at his hands, so weak, covered in white bandages. He let the alphas do that to him. He did not fight for himself. He only begged. Like a pathetic human being he is.

"Newwiee.... I know what you're thinking but you're wrong. I let you go alone. I knew what they are capable of doing and I still let you go."

"And I didn't listen to you! I... I took another road when I should've just gone straight ahead." He feels his tears falling and his voice is shaking. Shit. He doesn't want to cry. Stop crying you don't deserve to cry! "I was so close to the main road yet I..."

New cannot manage to finish his sentence, shaking so badly his voice got stuck in his throat. He feels Inn shifting their positions so his shoulder is resting on Inn's chest, and face is buried in between his neck. He wants to push the man away, because he does not deserve him, his kindness, but he couldn't.

He wants this. He wants this warmth.

He remembers that cold pavement stones and the air blowing on his skin, and the cold stares and grins, and how he longed for the warmth and protection of his friends and family back then. And although he knows he doesn't deserve this, he decides to be selfish once and take it.

New feels the hug tightened and Inn rocking them back and forth, making him cry louder until he falls asleep again.

When he wakes up again, it is already dark outside. Feeling a light shift behind him, he realizes it is his friend. They are sleeping together like they always do. Despite wanting to be left alone out of shame, New found himself really thankful for this gesture.

For the hope that things might stay the same.

Despite everything that happened.

"Hey, Inn. You should go clean yourself first." The tired male hears a whisper and pretends to still be asleep. The next thing he feels is the weight behind him gone and hears a door closing. Before he could open his eyes, he hears another creaking sound and opens his eyes slightly to see Gulf, taking his position on the bed opposite him with a book in his hand. The man has his glasses on and doesn't seem to notice New staring thanks to his small eyes. He doesn't want to talk. Not yet.

"You are sleeping here again?" Gulf asks softly, and New almost gives himself a shock thinking the man noticed him peeking. That is when the door closes again, telling him that Inn is back from wherever he went.

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