22. The Echoes of Pain and Misfortune

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The beckons of disquiet played in her blood pumping organ as she felt the weight of the situation!

The 42 inchces screen kept displaying the reason behind her worries as it waved an air of uneasiness in her, the doubts and confusions lingering in her. From the past half an hour Avantika have found her eyes glued at the TV which was showing her something she never thought she would be forced to see.

The uncertainties that inevitably came along with it put her through a fire of emotions as she strived to differentiate between the reality and an unending loop of nightmare. Along the lines of horror she felt the suffocating pull which drew her further in the loop. She gasped loudly as she felt her legs crashing onto the couch and her hand inadvertently moved towards the handle helping herself with some support. The silent panic in her resulted in her inability to support herself.

She rubbed her face and looked back at the screen only to see the same thing again. She felt like smashing the TV or at least yell at them and tell the entire world that they were wrong, her son could never do that the mother in her refused to believe that.

She could never make herself think that he can do that then why was the entire world yelling lies against her beliefs. Her focus turned as she found herself getting up when she saw her kids walking inside the house, their stance screaming the helplessness and exhausted sentiments they were going through. She wanted to interrogate them, ask them what all the rules were about but her hands automatically found their way around them pulling the boys into her warm embrace providing both the parties a much needed aplomb.

She felt them relaxing in the hug as she tightened it feeling the need herself.

"Ma" Atharv called out for her, his tone shifted towards desperation and need and she moved away nodding him to speak. Atharv battled his eyelids feeling the familiar overwhelming feelings again. It felt so good just by having your mother with you, it feels as if everything would end up well just by seeing her tender filled eyes.

It never had stopped him from wondering not does it now that how could your mother just have to look at you to know you are upset, how little of a energy does it for her to take that it's all fine because she would always be there for you. Atharv always believed that their mother would be so knowledgeable that she knows everything about them, which at times they themselves have had find it hard to understand or maybe never tried to.

"I am not feeling good Ma" he honestly admitted forgetting she completely didn't know about anything and Avantika sighed, she could realize the despair well just from the slightly shaking tone.

"I know bacha mumma is hear and even I want to know what is it all about yeh sab kya ho raha hai beta" She spoke trying her best to be patient, she don't want to scare the kid away just by behaving so impatient.

Atharv sat back on the couch beside whom she sat and he went on saying about everything that had transpired in the past three hours. At the end he broke up again and hugged her tightly letting out the tears he was containing till now trying to be strong but he knew that at this place he was required not to be strong but to be outspoken and open.  

"Shh, Mera bacha it will be fine, it will all be fine samjha we will all find a way out of it hmm" she rubbed his back trying to provide him with some support.

The feeling of raw guilt was gnawing in her as her mind replayed the events of the past two days and the regret followed them. Her son was already upset before he got into this trap which seemed more messier. She can't even think what he was going through now.

But along with the worry a sense of confusion followed her thought process as she looked at her son confused and hesitant. Atharv who catched on her feelings silently probed her to go own.

Asmanjash - Rawte Brothers Book 2Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon