#𝟐𝟔 ! 🈺

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Getting used to waking up in Seokjin's guest room wasn't gonna be easy.

Especially not with nightmares about his so called son.

As I descended the stairs to the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and sizzling bacon, my stomach churned with an anxious knot. Last night's tense exchange with Jungkook replayed in my mind, each word and gesture leaving a bitter taste. I couldn't shake the lingering discomfort as I approached the breakfast table, where he sat engrossed in his phone. The clinking of dishes seemed deafening in the quiet tension between us. Swallowing my unease, I forced a tight-lipped smile and took my seat, hoping the morning light would bring clarity to our strained relationship.

A woman with mature features and a luxurious outfit turns to me and smiles warmly. "You must be Niamiko?"

I nod politely. "I am indeed. And you are?"

"I'm Seokjin's wife, Doona. Pleasure to meet you. Jin has mentioned you before."

I smile as the maids are already packing back and forth to. Wow. These people are rich.

She wears her hair in a sleek, blow dried part, which compliments her hooded eyes.

And in just a few minutes, they were already done setting the table. We settled down to eat, tension feeling uncomfortably thick. It only got worse when my mom and the rest came down, including Seokjin and his son.

God, kill me now.

Since last night, not only have Jungkook and I have been on bad terms, but me and Seokjin as well...


"T-This kid doesn't happen to be adopted, right?" I tremble, lips struggling to stay still.

Seokjin faintly nods, hesitant and probably wondering why I was acting so off.

"Do you- Do you uh-" I swallow the painful lump in my throat. "Do you know what his original last name is?"

"Why are you asking me personal information about my son?" His eyebrows furrow and his voice registers lower. I flinch back and look down, forcing down a gulp that seemed to be stuck.

"I- I just— nevermind. Goodnight."


So...yeah. That happened.

My mom continued to send death glares at Jungkook who didn't bother to even look at her or me. Instead, he was far too busy on his phone, doing god knows what for him to be so detached from reality.

𝐅𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐂𝐋𝐔𝐁 ™  |  JJK  🔞 Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt