Guilty Mama

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Age of Y/n: 23
Gender of Y/n: Female
"Come on sweetheart..tell me why your angry.." I beg my son who I've had to hold in my arms. He begins scratching my face and kicking before he bites my arm hard causing it to bleed. I tear up and let him go. He runs into his room and begins to throw toys out the room. I take a breath and grab the baby gate to make sure he can't escape from the room. I move out the way of him throwing toys and sit on the other side of the wall.

It doesn't take long for me to finally break and burst into tears. Everything hurts as he's been kicking and punching all week. I don't know what I've done to make him so angry. Its all my fault..his behaviour is terrible. I'm a terrible mom. I just sit there and cry.

After a while, Natasha has come upstairs and sat across from me. I look at her and she smiles at me a little. "He fell asleep on the floor..I put him in his bed..come on lovely.." She tells me as she stands up and puts a hand out to help me up. I take her hand and she takes me downstairs.

I've been living at the compound, with the Avengers, since I was 12, the battle of New York took my parents lives and Natasha took me in. When I turned 18, I fell pregnant with my son and Natasha moved out and took me with her before we moved back into the compound when I was 20. I would've moved out but we decided I would go to college and gain a qualification in teaching. I haven't been able to get a job but Natasha said she will always help me out.

"Steve, will you keep an ear out for the kid?" Natasha asks. Steve nods and smiles before going upstairs to his room. Natasha then took me outside.

"You are doing a great job." She tells me, her tone is firm. I look at her confused, "What?" I ask her softly. She holds my face. "Y/n. You are a great mom. You are doing the best you can and you don't believe you are. You are doing a great job." She tells me. I look her in the eyes and begin to cry once again.

Nobody has told me that. It means alot to hear it....

This is a short one. But for any kids who know they are a troublesome or just wish their parents understood. They are trying and you don't understand how hard. Let them know they are doing a great job and give them some slack. Give them a day off from trying. Spend the day with them. Make dinner with them. Make them a tea or coffee. Get them some chocolate and tell hem to enjoy it because they deserve it..

You don't know how much you will need them until your struggling and need them and they aren't there. Make sure they are there when you need them.

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