No Monster

69 3 0

Age of Y/n - 16
Gender of Y/n - Female
Warning: Mention of SH and SH Scars
Walking around the compound, I find myself lost. Trying to make my way back to my bedroom, I pull my hood off my head and pull down my headphones to round my neck so I can concentrate fully. I pull my sleeves down to cover the scars and most of the skin on my hands. It's a large hoodie I managed to steal of my dad. It's only my third time in the compound, that's why I'm lost. Dad felt making sure I wasn't known to the public was safer. He was right, but I was ill a few months ago and mom was away on business so dad had to bring me here. Thats when I met Natasha, Wanda and Steve. Steve doesn't like me, apparently I'm too much like my dad. Natasha and Wanda think it's awesome my dad has a kid. We go out for lunch every week and Natasha picks me up early from school once a week too. Behind my dads back of course, my education is important to him. I was told nobody was here, that there's a huge mission so I could hang here to do my homework as it's quiet compared to the house.

As I walk around, I think I find my room. I open the door and walk in. It's not my room though, it's a guys. There's a man sat on the bed. He's not doing anything. "Oh, Sorry." I mumble quickly a si stand in the door way awkwardly. The man looks at me confused, "Okay?" He asks a little before looking at his hands. He looks sad and lonely. "Why are you alone?" I ask him politely. He look back at me, "Who even are you?" He asks me, his tone is a little agitated. I look at him, tilting my head slightly. "Y/n? Y/n Stark." I tell him, a small grin creeping at the corner of my lips. His eyes widen, "Okay." He tells me. I repeat my question from a few seconds before, "So, why are you alone?" I ask him. He looks at the floor. "I deserve to be alone. I'm a monster." The man tells me. I bite my tongue a little. I waddle over a little to sit on the floor infront of him. As I sit down I ask him, "Why are you a monster?" Softly.

He takes a breath, "I've hurt people.." He mumbles before looking back up as if he realised something, "Why am I even talking to you? Go away kid." He tells me. I look at him. "But everyone hurts people? That would make everyone a monster, but not everyone is. So what makes you one." I tell him, looking at my hands. "Who've you hurt kid?" He looks me in the eyes finally. I look down. "Myself." I tell the man honestly. His eyes change. Like he's sorry. I smile at him a little, "So? What singles you out to be a monster?" I ask him. He smiles at me a little. "I badly hurt them. Killed them. But I was forced to. Brainwashed." His voice tells me. I look down to my feet wrapped in soft fluffy socks. He shuffles a little in his spot on the bed.

I look back up, my eyes meeting his again. "That's not your fault though." I tell him before putting my hands together. He smiles a little, "I guess not. Why'd you hurt yourself kid?" He asks me. I pull a little face. I sigh a little, "Some people hurt me. I couldn't cope, so I hurt myself." I tell him softly. Slowly, I pull my sleeves up, revealing the scars on my arms and wrists. He moves over on his bed a little. "Sorry kid." He mumbles to me. I shrug a little, "It's fine. What's your name?" I ask him softly. He lifts a leg up, "Bucky. Bucky Barnes." He tells me. I smile at him, "You're not a monster Mr Barnes. You're just broken, like me. That's not bad. Thats human." I tell him. He smiles at me, "Thanks kid."

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