Wedding ~ Mama BlackHil

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Age of Y/n ~ 14
Gender of Y/n ~ Female
"Mom we are gonna be late to the venue!" I walk into my mother's room to see her pacing around. I walk over and take her hand in mine, "Mommy?" I ask her, to encourage her to tell me the problem, as she stops pacing and looks at me. "I'm doing right thing by you right?" She asks me, worried. I smile, "I asked you if she would want too..I'm gonna do it..Natasha has been another mother to me for as long as I can remember." I tell her, standing on my trip toes to kiss on the cheek. "I'm just glad your letting me wear a suit with my vans." I tell her jokingly. She smiles, "Okay sweetheart, what time is it?" She asks me softly. I do that awkward smile and her eyes widen, "Shit," she says rushing out the room with her outfit, "You can slap my hand in the car." She shouts to me. I giggle, "Okay." I tell her rushing out behind her knowing my suit is in the car already.

I quickly get into the car, closing the door behind me and grabbing my backpack from the back seat. She turns the car on and we quickly leave the house. She steps on the gas which makes the car go faster. I roll my eyes, chuckling, "slow down omg." I tell her laughing at her. She smiles, "I'm so nervous." She tells me, I can hear it in her voice. I put my hand on her hand, "Mom..Natasha loves you so much." I tell her softly. She nods and we put the CD in that was in the car. Of course is Taylor Swift. Me, Mom and Natasha go on drives just blasting the Fearless album. We begin singing along with the songs.

After twenty minutes, we get to the venue. The planners are there, the decorations are being put up. It's looks amazing. After an hour, I walk into the bridal room. Mom opted to take the bridal room while Natasha took the groom suite. They didn't wanna see eachother before the wedding which I think is pretty cute. "Aw Mom.. you look gorgeous!" I tell her, with a big grin on my face. She's wearing a white suitsuit, and she looks awesome. She turns around, "Oh my love! You look so amazing." She tells me. I look away embarrassed. My suit is dark red with my black vans putting it together along with the French braids wrapped into a bun. She comes over a wraps her arms around me, "You look awesome babygirl." She tells me. I smile and kiss her cheek before letting go and looking at my watch. "Let's get you married." I tell her happily. She nods and we make our way to the grounds.

I go to find a seat before my mom stops me. "Mom?" I question her, confused. She looks at me, "My mom didn't want to come..Will you give me away?" She asks me softly. I smile at her and nod. "Of course mom." I tell her and then we walk to the bridge at the opposite end of the alter. We see Natasha. She smiles at us. I can see her wipe a tear. We get to the alter where my mom let's me go and I stand behind her while the wedding goes on. After about ten minutes, it's time. "I hear the daughter of Maria has some words before we continue." The woman marrying my mom and Natasha says before handing me an envelope. I nod and take a breath before standing beside my mom infront of Natasha.

"Y/n lovely? Everything okay?" Natasha asks me softly. I smile and nod. "Natasha..for awhile now you've been in mine and my mom lives." I tell her and smile. She smiles and nods at me, "Yeah?" She questions. I take another breath, "Since I met you, I knew you would make an impact in my mom's life. Little did I know, you would also make a huge impact in mine. I love you so much, and I'm hoping you will love me and much as I love you." I tell her, handing her the envelope. She looks at it and opens it, pulling out the papers inside. "Y/n? What is this?" She asks me. I smile, hearing my mom tear up, "Natasha, will you be my other mom?" I ask her tearing up a little. She looks at me before looking at the papers. "Will you adopt me? Will you be my momma?" I ask her tearing up myself. She looks at my mom, before looking at the papers. She tears up and begins crying, "Omg Y/n! Of course! I'd love to!" She tells me before wrapping her arms around me. My mom wraps her arms round us both before we all stop. After a few seconds, I look at my mom and then back at Natasha, my momma. "Okay, I guess you can have my mom." I tell her before stepping away and hearing them say 'I do'.

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