Meet the Romans

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(Y/N) had attended many Olympus parties, and they were all quite similar. The Muses would play music that changed depending on who heard it, and (Y/N) perceived it as classical this time. Dionysus went around growing refreshment stands out of the ground, Ariadne walking by his side. The god was happy, the rare sight of a smile present on his face. Nectar and ambrosia overflowed from golden fountains, and platters of mortal snack food crowded the banquet tables. Golden goblets filled with whatever drink you wanted.Grover trotted around with a full plate of tin cans and enchiladas, and his goblet was full of double-espresso latte, which he kept muttering over like an incantation: "Pan! Pan!" Percy was being bombarded by various gods, nymphs and other party goers about saving Artemis. The last he saw of him was Poseidon making his way over to talk to his son. Wandering around, the son of Asclepius found Annabeth conversing with her mother, congratulations being showered upon the favoured daughter. When (Y/N) approached the two Athena looked at him with squinted eyes and then departed.

"So, I assume you and your mother are in good relations?" asked (Y/N). 

"Of course, she always swoops down on her children whenever they accomplish something that could get her reputation a little higher." 

"Don't all the gods though. Anyway, I needed to talk to you... about Mount Othrys." her face darkened. 

"What about it?" 

"Well, I took a little look back at the place after you left, and it appears it has become the new centre of titan command. I need you to scout the place out every now and then, report back information to camp. Usually I wouldn't ask anyone of this task, but with your invisibility camp and rare but basic common sense I think you're the right one for the job." 

She rubbed her chin in thought, turning on the spot before coming up with her answer. 

"I'll do it."

"Great, camp owes you a great deal to our upcoming victory." 

Suddenly, a certain goddess of love puffed into existence next to him in a shower of pink. 

"Oh (Y/N), just the person I'm looking for!" 

Grabbing him by the shoulders, the love goddess and son of Asclepius vanished. 

Reappearing in one of the more private gardens of Olympus, he sat down next to Aphrodite on a bench. "What's this about?" asked (Y/N), crossing his legs and setting weapons aside. 

"Well darling, I'm actually here on business. Zeus has decided to organise a meeting with you, about some details necessary to win the war. And it plays quite nicely into my plan." 

"Nothing he could have told me at the Solstice?" 

"I'm afraid this is to needed to be more private, hidden from public eye. A little secret between us Olympians and you. Hold this."

She produced a silver mirror from a purse on her side and handed it to him. He held it up to her face as she applied her make-up. 

"So, tell me. How's Hephaestus? Or Ares for that matter?" 

She looked past the mirror, eyebrows frowning. 

"Oh you, don't go being like Athena now. Two is a good number, brains and brawn for me." 

"Still, you gotta end it with one of them at some point, Hera will start a civil war over it else."

"Oh, that old cow could never. Hold still!" 

Pushing down the mirror, she booped his nose with a nail and the smell of fresh fruit bombarded his nostrils. 

"Just a little perfume, you smell like Hephaestus, sweaty." 

The Son Of Asclepius, Demi-god DoctorTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang