Skyline isn't the only beauty

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Waking up with stiff bones and sleep-riddled eyes, (Y/N) looked down to see a head of moppy, raven black hair. Creasing his eyebrows, he looked a little further down, noticing a reptilian tail. Feeling a little awkward at his situation, (Y/N) attempted to remove himself from the position, but clearly didn't do so as discreetly as intended since the body on top of him began to stir. Cursing under his breath, a bead of sweat seemed to drip off of his brow. Sure, he'd kissed a girl before, but it was a little more than awkward to wake up with a dracaena girl sleeping on top of you. As Elara came to her senses, she too seemed to notice the situation, scurrying off his body and falling next to him. Looking at her, Elaras eyes almost entranced him. Just like Medusa, he could look into them for eternity and... He blushed vigorously at the trail of thoughts he had cascaded into. Something similar must have happened to the young dracaena too, the two quickly looking away from each other. Coughing, (Y/N) rose from slumping against the tree, pulling up Elara with him. Climbing the oak, he peered through its luscious green branches to see that Percy, Annabeth and Grover were also rising from their slumber. Dropping back down, he pulled out two small pots of Greek yogurt and offered one to Elara. The dracaena turned it down, instead sprinting off into the foliage. Shrugging, he tore off the lids and eagerly slurped the creamy contents. Upon his discovery of the dairy product, he began to pay Hermes kids to smuggle in mass quantities of the stuff like a drug run. Just as he finished the second, Elara emerged from behind him, blood soaked hands and red stained lips. They were rather plump and he was tempted to... no, no, what was he thinking? He'd have to have a conversation with Aphrodite about this next time he talked to her. He was sure the love goddess was giggling at him somewhere up in the clouds. Watching the questing trio a little longer, he caught a glimpse of a pink poodle, who seemed to be in conversation with Grover. Stifling a laugh, he waited for them to pack up before making a move to follow. 

(Y/N) and Elara followed them to some mansion and then Amtrak station. They must've struck a deal with the furry animal in order to return it back to its home for money. At Amtrak station, he watched them buy tickets to Denver. Some quick math revealed it would be roughly 2 days on the train. Whilst (Y/N) had homed his ADHD, he wasn't sure how well Percy or Annabeth would fare on the trip in such a confined area. Something he found interesting was how mortals seemed to interact with Elara. Sure, the mist probably hid his staff as a walking cane, but mortals seemed to weave around her tail and took no notice of her 'unique features' that (Y/N) had come to adore... Alright, this was definitely the work of Aphrodite. When the two got to the ticket booths, (Y/N) realised just how much money Chiron had gifted him. Sure, some Ares kids had looted a money printer a couple years back, but there must have been well over $1000 in the wallet. Forking out a few hundred dollar bills, he managed to get the last 1st class bedroom suite on the train. (I have no idea what any prices or train bedroom suites look like) Boarding the train, they were allocated to a generously large room (luckily) with two beds, a bathroom and a small table. He shoved his luggage into an overhead compartment along with dropping the Rod of Asclepius into an umbrella holder. Elara pulled up a chair and sat down, literally doing nothing. Perhaps she was meditating? Did monsters meditate? For that matter, did they pray? Shaking his head, (Y/N) crawled into one of the beds to pass the time.

It had been around 27 hours in that small room with the dracaena, and it wasn't as bad as it could have been. He had plenty of time to sleep (a hobby of his), play around with Medusa's rogue snake for new possible discoveries and talk a little more with Elara. The more he talked to her, the more (Y/N) just wanted to be free of his servitude. She spoke of so many different places, so many places full of life, places he couldn't even imagine. He didn't resent demi-gods, but being around them and their flaws for so long just got repetitive. Listening to Athena's children rant about how much better they could do a job and watching Ares' youth flex on everything and everyone got annoying and repetitive. The gods and their spawn were all irritating. All right, there were a few exceptions, but on the whole he had gotten exasperated with their antics. He guessed that's what drew him to the teen dracaena. Back in the train carriage and out of (Y/N)s ruffled up mind, he got back to experimenting with the lone snake from Medusa. More careful research showed it still held remnants of its ladies stone gaze, possible magnification of its powers would turn Athena's wild curse into a trained weapon. Weaponizing items like this was a guilty pleasure, since his lineage of a doctorate family pulled him against harm towards others.

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