Good times

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Helios began to sink behind the mountains by the time the two arrived at the Waterland, except a few letters had fallen off due to a lack of maintenance. The park was completely locked off and abandoned, empty pools like craters filled with trash. Vaulting over the fence with the help of his staff, Elara followed suit and the two made their way through the haunting attractions. It was the eery silence and being devoid of life that gave him the creeps. Wandering around hand in hand, they came across the souvenir shop that had probably been ransacked by Annabeth for supplies. (Y/N) grabbed a Waterland flower-print shirt, tossing it to Elara and gesturing for her to put it on. She made no attempt to hide herself whilst changing, so being the gentleman he was (Y/N) turned around to give her some privacy. Leaving the shop, the faint sound of an alarm went off, not loud enough to be heard out of the parks borders but still mildly annoying. Elara growled, leaping over to the power supply and tearing it apart. Just as the alarm went off, another head-splitting noise erupted from somewhere else in the area. Fearful for Annabeth's safety, he made haste to the noise's origin. In what seemed to be a matter of seconds, he was in front of a tunnel, a sign reading, 'THRILL RIDE O' LOVE: THIS IS NOT YOUR PARENTS' TUNNEL OF LOVE!'. Oh god, he hoped he hadn't already failed to do good on Athena's demand. Entering the ride, spotlights seemed to dance around the now flooded attraction, a couple metal spiders also floating in the water. The yells of a certain daughter of Athena could be heard echoing further down, she was probably afraid of the arachnids that swarmed her. Cupid statues with cameras surrounding the pool gave (Y/N) a pretty good idea of what this fetch quest was about. Hephaestus should just divorce at this point. Looking around for any immediate danger, he grabbed an inflatable from the side and asked Elara, 

"Wanna have some fun?"

They waited a minute or two for Percy and Annabeth to hopefully leave before plopping into the artificial river and beginning a slow journey downstream, (Y/N) guiding them with his staff. Hand in hand they drifted without a care in the world, their floats occasionally dinking against each other but apart from that they remained relatively peaceful. Eyes tightly shut, all that could be heard was the rushing of water. Unfortunately, they soon reached the end of the tunnel, colliding with a foam border to soften their collision. Getting back onto land, (Y/N) jokingly bowed down, offering his hand to help Elara out. The young dracaena took his hand in hers, slowly rising from her inflatable. Just as she touched down on the pool side, the reptilian humanoid pulled (Y/N) into the pool whilst giggling like a school-girl. A now soaked son of Asclepius laughed whole-heartedly at his predicament, splashing around in the water. In a sudden move, he hooked his staff around Elara's waist and hauled her in. With wide eyes and a stupid grin on her face, she joined him in the churning waters. They spent the next few minutes splashing each other and laughing like young lovers. In due course though the time came to leave, but not without some playful memories.

Arriving back at the diner, they were greeted with the sight of Percy, Annabeth and Grover piling into a beat up trailer that reeked of animal waste. Hearing they were off to Las Vegas, they decided against joining them on such a long trip in such a small compartment with animals, they made their way to the nearest coach station. Paying their fee, they boarded the mostly empty bus and sat at the back window seats, hoping to avoid confrontation or conversation with anyone. Luck seemed to be on their side, being alone at the back as they journeyed off deep into the night. Elara soon began to doze off, her tail wrapped around (Y/N)s legs and basically sitting on his lap. Gazing up into the night sky, he stared blankly at the twinkling stars for a few minutes, eventually kissing Elara's head and also collapsing into the realm of Hypnos. When the time came to awake, he found his female companion sitting beside him, looking at his face. Realising he had awoken, she blushed crimson and mumbled, 

"Ssssssorry for ssssssstaring, you jusssssst looked ssssssso relaxed and peaceful, it wassssssss..."

 Smiling gently at the flustered dracaena, he whispered in a sleepy manner, 

The Son Of Asclepius, Demi-god DoctorWhere stories live. Discover now