Who is this guy? Definitely not Herakles...

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Luckily, the boy didn't die, and (Y/N) could sleep easily. Unfortunately, he couldn't actually sleep as the boy's condition left him in a temporary coma and required a constant medical presence, just in case something went south. (Y/N) was used to it though, nothing that coffee and pills couldn't help him get over. About a day went past before he awoke, finally letting (Y/N) out of the medical ward to sleep. Annabeth rushed to his side to help him out when (Y/N) left, as she did with every new camper. She had a constant hope that the newest camper would be the one to fulfill the prophecy about a half blood of the eldest gods, just so she could get out of camp and go on a quest. No one was allowed on quests since Luke's incident with Ladon, leaving (Y/N) a little unsatisfied with no surgeries or big operations for the last few years. But back to the new kid, his name was discovered to be Percy. Percy did not excel at any camp activities. He got beaten up by Clarisse in combat, failed constantly at the climbing wall, outpaced by the Stolls in running and athletics, outsmarted by any Athena kid with ease and was completely lost in the armoury, even with the help of Beckendorf. But he wasn't too bad at canoeing, so not completely hopeless. (Y/N) never really had the chance to talk to him much after signing him out of the medical ward, so he only really heard about him from Annabeth. That girl had taken to him quite well, possibly seeing him more as a puzzle though than a person. 

It was Friday, and everyone was looking forward to capture the flag. (Y/N) preferred not to partake in the game, rather being on standby as a referee and emergency medic, which usually meant loitering around Clarisse and her gang. He hadn't attended dinner that night, work catching up with his more lazy tendencies recently.  But when the familiar roar of excitement came from the pavilion, he just had to go and watch the fun. The Ares and Athena cabins were both chanting and shoving their banners into the air. (Y/N) always preferred Athena's barn owl on an olive tree than Ares' bloody spear and boar head. But it was the violence of others that benefited him, so he supposed it wasn't too bad. He sat behind Percy and Luke, who was explaining to the unclaimed demi-god how capture the flag worked. 

"So if another cabin captures one, what do you do? Re-paint it?" 

Luke grinned, something didn't feel right about him since his last quest, he had an aura of uneasiness around him, as if he was plotting something. But then again, weren't all Hermes kids always cooking up their next heist or trick? 

"You'll see. We have to get one first." 

Ares were always  tough competition, but leave it up to Annabeth to deal with their brute force. From what (Y/N) heard over the gathering crowd of joyous campers, Hermes had entered a temporary alliance with Athena and Apollo, the two biggest cabins because those two couldn't keep it in their pants. Ares had allied with everyone else, that being Aphrodite, Demeter, Dionysus and Hephaestus. Aphrodite was a pushover (no offence to the Love goddess herself, but she wasn't exactly known for her combat abilities), Dionysus and Hephaestus lacked numbers and Demeter kids weren't aggressive go-getters,  and so usually just sat at their base. Stamping his hoof, Chiron made his appearance known as he read out the rules. After, weapons and armour appeared on a nearby table for everyone to gear up with. Percy couldn't find a good shield size, struggling to lift his current one. Annabeth came over, told him the basics, and left him in the dust. From what (Y/N) heard, he was on border patrol. Uh oh. Annabeth always had a plan, and this one probably used Percy as bait.

Not wanting the same kid in his office for the second time in a week, he thought it would be fun to get involved a little, just a helping hand. Slowly walking up behind Percy, he clasp his hand around the boy's shoulder, watching him jump at the sudden contact. 

"Hey kid, remember me?" Percy nodded, a little shaken. "Yeah, you're that doctor aren't you? Thanks for saving me." 

"It's all good kid, just try not to take such a beating so often." 

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