Sugary Foods Kill

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"Thermos!" Percy screamed as the boat hurtled toward the water.

"What?" Annabeth screamed back, equally loud. 

Luckily, Tyson understood, rummaging through Percy's duffel bag and pulling out a thermos. 

"Hang on!"

"I am hanging on!" Annabeth yelled.


Grabbing the sides of the boat, (Y/N) raised his eye brows at recognising the thermos, a different form from when he last saw it but probably still had the same qualities. As Percy slightly turned the thermos canister open, a white sheet of wind jetted out and propelled them sideways, turning a downward plummet into a forty-five-degree crash landing. The wind seemed to laugh as it shot from the thermos, Aeolus roar of a laugh bringing back fond memories of that book Homer wrote. When the boat slammed into the water, (Y/N) feared they would take off and propel into the air, but luckily his fears were quelled when the boat skimmed the water before beginning to escape away from the yacht. There was a wail of outrage from the ship behind them, but they were already out of weapon range. The Princess Andromeda faded to the size of a white toy boat in the distance, and then it was gone. As they raced across the vast sea, Percy and Annabeth began to summon an iris message to Chiron but the son of Asclepius was a little more hesitant. 

"You know the gods won't like this communication, I want to see Chiron more than anyone else but he's in exile for a reason. Zeus can be very rash about cases that involve his spawn..."

 Annabeth dismissed his concerns with a swipe of her hand. 

"Don't worry, we've got Percy, he's like our human shield to prevent godly interference..." 

"Hey! I'm right here!" said a disgruntled son of the sea god. The wind from the thermos stirred up a nice sea spray that made a rainbow in the sunlight-perfect for an Iris-message, but the connection was poor. When Annabeth threw a gold drachma into the mist and prayed for the rainbow goddess to show us Chiron, his face appeared all right, but there was some kind of weird strobe light flashing in the background and rock music blaring, like he was at a dance club. (Y/N) wanted to talk to the centaur, express the empty feel inside of him in his absence, but kept his mouth shut. He wasn't some 5 year old unclaimed newbie, he was (Y/N) the combat medic and son of Asclepius, acting out the gods will and he could contain his emotions. Between Annabeth and Percy, they told Chiron about sneaking away from camp, and Luke and the Princess Andromeda and the golden box for Kronos's remains. 

"Percy," Chiron yelled, "you have to watch out for-"

His voice was drowned out by loud shouting behind him, a bunch of voices whooping it up like Comanche warriors.

"What?" Percy yelled.

"Curse my relatives!" Chiron ducked as a plate flew over his head and shattered somewhere out of sight. 

"Annabeth, you shouldn't have let Percy leave camp! But if you do get the Fleece-"

"Yeah, baby!" somebody behind Chiron yelled. 


The music got cranked up, sub woofers so loud it made the boat began to vibrate."-Miami," Chiron was yelling. 

"I'll try to keep watch-" 

Everything weird washes up in Miami. Unfortunately, the misty screen smashed apart like someone on the other side had thrown a bottle at it, and Chiron was gone. The immortal medic fell back in the boat with a sorrowful look.

An hour later they spotted land, a long stretch of beach lined with high-rise hotels. The water became crowded with fishing boats and tankers. A coast guard cruiser passed on their starboard side, probably confused with seeing a boat full of teenagers and 12 year olds so far out. 

The Son Of Asclepius, Doctor of DivinityKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat