Book 2: Another Year, Another Summer

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After everyone left in the fall of early September/late August, (Y/N) began to do what he deemed necessary; train. With only a dozen or so demi-gods around during the school year, he was free to push himself to his limits in the arena to his perfect hearts content. He also began to spend more and more time with Elara, whether that be training together or just lying in bed together for hours on end. He and Chiron also began to plan for the future of camp, what with the possible rise of the titan lord. Safe to say there'd be plenty of projects for the Hephaestus cabin the following Summer. (Y/N) himself had also been in the forge every now and then. He'd been making modifications to his dual-blades, attaching chains the god of fire himself had gifted him once, long ago. The chains allowed for the blades to be used in more ways than violence, such as for tying people up (Elara had first hand experience), swinging around like Castor on a Friday night and some other fun abilities. Anyway, he had plenty to do around the year. Something that he didn't plan for however was the camp to start dying. He had no idea when it began, but one peaceful morning in April Thalia's tree began to die, resulting in nature dying all throughout camp. Obviously, the tree itself was the work of Zeus, so that meant foul play was at hand, which in turn could only mean one thing; Luke. The realisation brought a heavy weight on (Y/N), after all it was him who failed to stop Luke's escape from camp. The son of Hermes was right, he did strike too late. However, now was not the time to mope, so he delved back into his office and began a vigorous search for a cure. It was on one of those afternoons a certain goddess decided to intrude. Sitting at his desk whilst reading over one of the many books he salvaged from the library of Alexandria, an explosion of pink behind his door and a rapid few knocks signified the arrival of Afrogenia. With the inevitability of her entrance, he put his book away and took off his reading glasses. 

"Come in!" he shouted out, polishing the glasses lenses. 

The door swung open, revealing the goddess of Love herself. 

"Oh (Y/N)! It's been too long since we had one of our little meetings! How are you?" 

This was all said in a high pitched voice, common of Aphrodite when she was excited. 

"Yes, it has been a while. How's Hephaestus? Or Ares for that matter..." 

He muttered the last part under his breath, and luckily she didn't hear him. 

"Oh, dear I'm here to talk about your love life, not mine! So, how're you enjoying it?" 

Taking a second to ponder the question, he responded, "It's interesting, to say the least. I haven't heard of relations between demi-gods and monsters in the past, so this is all new territory." 

Aphrodite took a seat opposite the son of Asclepius, crossing one leg over the other. 

"I promised you would have an interesting love-life my dear, the road map took me forever to make anyway so it's definitely not going to waste." 

(Y/N) put his head in his hands. He wanted to say his relationships were none of Aphrodite's business, but they literally were. 

"So is there any other reason why you're here?" questioned (Y/N). 

The love goddess took a second to admire her nails before speaking, "Of course darling! You know how Zeus doesn't like us gods interfering with half bloods, unless it's of urgent necessity!"

Her voice suddenly dropped to a hushed tone despite the emptiness of the office. 

"Olympus is in complete panic at the chances of... well I guess he's my nephew, but that sounds weird. The council itself is in a state of chaos that has only been fuelled by the disappearance of the son of Hermes. Chiron told us everything, and I must say you really have come far since our reign in Greece, literally and metaphorically. But anyway, we've decided to take action, and our first decision was to give you a promotion of sorts." 

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