5 years later

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*5 years later*
Rachel wakes up in her bed. When, her son walks in the room. Rachel's son: Mommy. I had a nightmare.Rachel: Donny baby come here. She says lifting him in her arms. Rachel: Donny its 6:00. I have to be for work at 12:00. I suppose we can go for a walk before you go to school. Rachel puts on her coat and puts on Donny's. Rachel walks down the street and around the block. When, she sees her old house. The one that burnt down in a fire. Rachel(under her breath): they're rebuilding it. A tear drops from Rachel's eye. Donny sees it fall. Donny: You okay mommy? Rachel: I'm fine honey. Rachel sees a man staring at it. Rachel walks up to him holding Donny's hand. Rachel: Excuse. The man turns around and looks at Rachel. Rachel looks into his eyes. The man: Rachel! Rachel: Kalin. Kalin: Where have you been? Rachel: Here, raising my son. Kalin: Oh he's yours? He says with element of surprise in his voice. Rachel: yes he is? Kalin: So how is everyone? Rachel: Everyone's life is different. Leilani and Special K are married. Zoria is on her 3 child. She's pregnant again. Lanise and Liam broke up and Lanise is dating your old partner Myles. Kalin: Yea. He's working with Plo now. Rachel: Yea. Arielle is dating Lacora. That's who I still keep in touch with and oh Alyssa. Kalin: More importantly how have you been? Rachel: I have been fine. Kalin: Any relationships?
Rachel: No. If their was it wouldn't be your business. Kalin: I remember back when that was. I remember that fire like it was yesterday. Rachel: Yea, I still have dreams about rescuing you. How things would have been different if I jut could have got to the door? Rachel starts crying. Donny places his hand on His mothers leg. Donny: Mommy are you okay? Rachel: Mommy's fine Donny. Kalin: Donny? I've always wanted to name my son Donny. Rachel: I know that's where I got the name? Kalin: How old is he? Rachel: Five. She says rubbing donny's shoulder. Kalin: Five? That means you got pregnant five years ago. Rachel: Correct. Kalin: When the fire happened! Rachel: Yeah. Kalin: Rachel donny's mine isn't he? Rachel looks down and looks back into Kalins eyes. Rachel: Yeah. Kalin: You weren't even Gonna even think to tell me! Rachel: How?! I thought you were dead! Kalin: You weren't gonna think to find me? See if I was okay? I could have helped you raise him. Rachel: I didn't need your help. I did it! Kalin: Well I'm here now! And I'm gonna help you raise our son. Rachel: You can come back to our place and we can fill each other on our blank spaces.
{Back at the house}
Kalin: when did you realize you were pregnant?
Rachel: after I got home from the hospital. 3 days later I got sick. Shadave asked me some questions and i gave her answers. And she came home with a pregnancy test. Once that said positive. I almost cried cuz you weren't gonna be there with me for the moment and during the pregnancy. Since the fire I was broken. what happened to you once you woke up?
Kalin: I moved to Boston with my uncle. Became a mechanic. Now that's my job.
Rachel: Why are you back?
Kalin: Because I needed to get the piece I was missing.
Rachel: What your microphone? Kalin starts to chuckle.
Kalin: No....You.
Rachel: How did you know to find me here?
Kalin: I knew that you wouldn't leave the place that you loved and where all your family was.
Rachel: Well....you're right.
Donny: mommy I'm ready.
Rachel: K Donny. Good. Go to the kitchen mommy will be there in a minute.
Kalin: So when you gonna tell the kid I'm his father?
Rachel: Whenever I think he's ready.
Kalin: the longer you wait the more the pressure you know.
Rachel: I just tell him now then! If it will make you happy.
Kalin: Yea it would.
Rachel: Donny baby come here!
Donny walks over to his mom and sits on the her lap.
Donny: Yes mommy.
Rachel: Remember when mommy told you daddy is lost.
Donny nods yea. Rachel: Well... now he's found. Kalin: Hi Donny I'm you're father.
Donny smiles. Donny: I've always wanted to meet you. Mommy always told me stories about how my dad was this super tall basketball player with a nice voice. Kalin starts smiling. Kalin: You really said that? Rachel: more or less. Kalin smiles. Rachel: let's go get him to school, so you guys can finish having your family reunion later. Kalin: I could take him to school. Rachel: I don't know. He's new to you. And...Donny: I don't mind. Rachel gets angry but not to angry. Kalin: The kid said yes. He takes his little hand and walks him to his car. Donny runs back and gives Rachel a kiss. Rachel steps back inside and watch them pull off.
*Kalin gets back*
Rachel opens the door.
Kalin: Hey, why were you mad when he wanted to go with me?
Rachel: I wasn't mad just new at this.
Kalin: Rachel, you know I never stopped loving you.
Rachel: Really? Does seem like you did stop loving me?
Kalin: Well..i didn't.
Rachel: Cool.
Kalin: What's you're problem?
Rachel: I don't have one.
Kalin: No you do? What is it?
Rachel: You wanna know so bad Kalin! I never stopped loving either. I spent hell. Day and night thinking about you! And then, I gave up hope. So I stopped. And when u finally get you out of my mind for good. You pop up again and I remember why I ever fell in love with you in the first place. Kalin: Rachel! I came back because I couldn't live without you! I'm here now, that has to count for something. Rachel: It doesn't. It's too freaking late. Rachel storms upstairs. Kalin: Rachel, no it's not over. Rachel: Yes it is Kalin it was over along time ago. Just be ready to pick up your son. I gotta go to work. Kalin nods okay.
*After School*
Rachel answers the door for Donny and Kalin. Kalin: Donny's home. Donny: Mommy can I watch tv. Rachel: Do your homework first! Donny: Yes mom. Kalin: I always thought you would be a great mother. Rachel: thanks. She responds with a gentle smile. Kalin: see I finally got you to smile since I been here. Rachel: Kalin look I don't wanna build up any feelings to be hurt again. So just go! She says trying to close the door when he stops it. Kalin: Rachel, wait. I'll give you a choice. I'm leaving for that Boston tomorrow at 10. If you show up at the airport. I know that you love me and you want me in your life. You don't show up i'm gone and so is our love. Remember I won't give up fighting for you! Kalin gives Rachel a kiss on the forehead. Rachel: You will eventually give up. You will loose hope. Like I did. Thought you were never coming back from the hospital. Kalin: But I did. so, maybe you will think about loving me again too. Rachel looks at him with a straight face while he has a gentle smile. Kalin leaves and Rachel puts Donny to bed with her. Rachel falls asleep thinking about Kalin.
Rachel checks the time and sees 8:00. She sits at the breakfast table with Donny eating French toast and drinking coffee. Donny: Mommy, where's daddy? Rachel: at the airport. Donny: Doing what? Rachel: going home. Donny: Why are you here? Rachel: Because I'm not going to Boston. Donny: Maybe not but...mommmy can I ask you a question? Rachel: Sure baby anything. Donny: Do you love daddy? Rachel looks down and recalls all the memories they had. Rachel: Maybe....Donny: So go get him and bring him back. Rachel: You are the smartest 5 year old I have ever met. Rachel gives him a kiss on the forehead and pulls his arm to the car. Rachel checks the time when she gets in the car. Rachel: Nine lets go! Rachel takes off to the airport.
{At the airport}
Rachel runs through the airport looking for him. Calling his name. She can't find him. Rachel: Kalin! She gets to the boarding and she sees Kalin on the line to get on the plane. He hands the lady his ticket. Rachel: Kalin! He turns around. Rachel runs to him and hugs him. Then, kisses him. Rachel: I lost you once. I cant do it again. Kalin smiles and continues to kiss her. Donny: Mom, Dad! He hugs them. Kalin: I love you Rachel Caster.
Rachel: I love you Kalin white.
Kalin: Oh and you to Donny....
Rachel: White.
Kalin smiles.
Kalin: Rach...Look, I love you and one thing I can't do again is loose you either. So...
Kalin gets on one knee and pulls out a ring box. He flips it open.
"Marry me!"
Rachel covers her mouth.
The End.
<Read the new book, Bad Friend>

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