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Rachel's mom is crying in the hospital room. Rachel is not waking up but she's breathing. Rachel's mom is holding her daughters hand and praying with the cross over her hand. Rachel's mom: Baby please be okay?! I love you. She kissed her daughters hand. The doctor walks in. Doctor: Okay, Your daughter is in a coma. I don't know for how long but, she's definitely in one. She's got stitches on here right boob and eyebrow. She is bruised a lot of places her side, her legs, arms, basically almost her whole body. Is there any one that needs to see her before she gets rest. Rachel's mom: Yeah, her boyfriend and friends. Rachel's mom calls Kalin.
Rachel's mom: Hi Kalin.
Kalin: Rachel's mom! Have you seen Rachel?! We have been looking for her for hours.
Rachel's mom starts crying.
Rachel's mom: Yes, she's in the hospital she got in a car accident.
Kalin: What?! He puts his hand on his head.
Rachel's mom: Yea can you tell the girls?!
Kalin: Yes ma'am.
* He tells the girls*
Kalin: We are on our way. Bye.
*Hang up*
The squads run to the car and drive to the hospital.
Rachel's mom walks over to where Rachel is and cries in her hand.
*Few minutes later*
Kalin is running through the hospital.
And the girls are running after him. Kalin runs to Rachel's room. He sees her lying there. Rachel's mom: Kalin girls you are all here?I know your all shocked she's ok. Not dead in a coma.
Kalin: My girlfriends in a coma?!
Rachel's mom: Yes, but....he cuts her off by pacing and crying. Rachel's mom: Kalin stop pacing and listen. You guys have a few minutes to see her and then you guys gotta leave. Kalin: No! I'm not leaving! I'm gonna spend every waking moment of everyday! Here! I will be here when she wakes up! Rachel's mom: Okay Kalin that's fine but, what if it's months. You can't stay here for months. Myles is counting on you and you got tour soon! You're career is starting! Don't stay here with my daughter. I got her. Kalin: No! I will push back the tour I have to be....Myles walks in the room and cuts him off. Myles: There for her. He rolls his eyes and walks out the room. Kalin runs after him. Kalin: Bro what was that?! Myles: What was what Kalin?!
Kalin: That bitch fit?!
Myles: Ok, ever since you started dating Rachel you haven't cared about anything other than her. I get you love her. But you haven't spent time with me in months.
Kalin: But I'm letting you spend time with my daughter.
Myles: I'm not always with my daughter. You know you guys missed her birthday. A true friend would have known her birthday was yesterday.
Kalin: I'm feel bad man, How is she?
Myles: She's fine. She trying to walk but, I don't want her too.
Kalin: Did you take pics on her birthday?
Myles: Yea.
He shows him the pics.
Kalin: I'm mad I couldn't be there for my god daughters birthday.
Myles: Well 'Crystal Nila Parrish' is now 1.
Kalin: I'm sorry bro. I never knew you felt this way.
Myles: it's ok. And bro ill let you push back the tour for your girl.
Kalin: No it's up to you.
Myles: I'll do it.
Kalin: Thanks bro.
Myles: You got it man. *Give daps*
They walk back in the hospital room and see Christina.
Kalin: Wtf?!
Myles: Am I seeing things or is my baby mama in this room?!
The girls: Your not seeing things.
Leilani: You got a lot of explaining to do.
Zoria: Talk bitch.
Christina takes a deep breath.
Christina: ......

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