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The gun is being pointed at Rachel. The people in the house all started running out and leaving except for Ariel's ex who's pointing the gun at Rachel. One of the guys who's was in the house contacts Ariel. The guy: Arielle your ex has gotten out of hand he's gonna kill Rachel. Arielle: Oh my god I'm on my way. Arielle grabs Kalin and explains everything in the car. They drive to Arielle's ex's house. They get there and Kalin sees his girlfriend being held at gunpoint. He runs to the Dj. Kalin hits him and Dj puts him in a headlock. Holding the gun to his forehead. Arielle: Dj put the gun down. Don't do it. Its not worth it. Rachel: Just let go of Kalin shoot me. Rachel says with tears coming out of his face. Kalin: Babe no. I can't loose you. Rachel(still crying): Kalin I can't loose you either. I will die for you Kalin I love you. Kalin(starts crying): Rachel I love you too that's why I can't let you go. Rachel(crying): Because I love you that why I have to do this. Arielle tries to grab the gun from Dj when he pulls the trigger shooting Rachel(in the shoulder). Rachel collapse to the ground. Dj drops the gun and runs out the house. Kalin runs to Rachel. Kalin: Rachel! Are you ok? Rachel: I'm fine bleeding but fine. I just need to get to a hospital. Kalin picks up Rachel and puts her in the car. He holds the spot that's bleeding with his sweater. Arielle drives them. They get the hospital. Rachel can barley stand up the doctor takes her and Kalin starts freaking out. Kalin: Where are you taking my girlfriend? She can't die. She's gotta live. Live Rachel. Arielle: Kalin calm down. Kalin(yelling): No. My girlfriend has to live. She clams Kalin down. Arielle puts her head on his head they touch noses. Arielle: She's gonna be fine. Kalin starts crying. Kalin: You don't know that. Arielle: I know that for a fact. She holds Kalin's hands. Arielle leans in and Kalin leans in. Arielle kisses Kalin. Kalin pulls away. Kalin: I can't do this. Arielle: Why not? Kalin: For starters my girlfriends in the hospital. And I love her. Thank for being here it I can't do this.

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