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Rachel pulls up to Christina's house and see the movers taking her stuff out her house. Rachel: hold on what are Yall people doing. The movers: taking her stuff out. This house is going on the market. Rachel: wait. Why? The movers: she's dead. Rachel: I know, but aren't you supposed to see if anyone wants it first. The movers: we did her family didn't want it. Rachel: I want it. It will give me a chance to move from my mom and take care of the baby. Kalin:isn't that myles Job. Rachel: yea. Then she looks and myles and he's holding the(1year old) baby. Then the guy who handles Christina's papers walks up to Rachel. The asks: Can I please speak to you privately. They go into Christina's kitchen. The man: I know you have questions. So I'm here to tell you that myles is the father and he's automatically supposed to get the baby but he's not mentally ok to take care of this child, but Kalin is. Rachel: what about me I'm mentally fit. The man: technically your not so the next person is Kalin. Rachel yells: What! Kalin! Kalin walks in the kitchen. Kalin: you called me. The man: yes that girl out there is your new daughter. Kalin: Hun? Rachel: your the godfather and he's not mentally straight to take care of the baby and apparently neither am I. Kalin: me I can barely take care of me. Rachel: don't worry babe I'll help you. Kalin: ok. He looks to the man. Kalin: when does this whole parent thing start. The man today. The movers put back Christina's stuff. Kalin: Ok myles Rachel got this. So let's go back to your house and play 2k. Rachel: oh hell nah nigga. Nigga go to the store and get me baby bottle nipples. Rachel says holding the baby. They leave the house and Rachel is stuck babysitting. Rachel: I'm a mom. She says looking at the baby. The baby stars laughing.
5 hours later
Rachel's calling Kalin and myles phone nonstop. Rachel: Oh hell no. She grabs the baby. Puts her in the car seat and drives to the baby store. Rachel gets to the baby store and ends up buying almost the whole store. Then when she gets to the cash register she sees the cutes white boy. His name is Ben. Ben: Hi. Rachel smiles and puts the baby stuff on the belt. He starts scanning she puts the baby on her hip. Ben: what a cute baby? Rachel: I know right. She's my god daughter. You're cute. Ben: thank you. Well here's my number call me. He hands her a piece of paper with his number on it. She grabs the stuff and leaves with the baby. She drives back to the house with Crystal (the baby). A few minutes later Kalin and Myles walk in. Kalin: hey babe. He tries to kiss her(the baby is ok her hip). Rachel swerves his kiss. Rachel: where have you two been. Kalin: the baby store. He tries to lie. Rachel: oh really were are the nipples. Myles: Hun? Rachel: what I sent you out for? Kalin: see what had happened was. Rachel cuts him off. Rachel: you didn't listen to me. Kalin: babe why are you getting mad. You could use your nipples. Rachel: Kalin does it look like there's any milk in there. Kalin: I talking about the ones Christina left. Rachel: the baby needed new ones. Rachel: you know what I'm done do this shit on your own. She hands him the baby. She grabs her purse and leaves. Rachel goes home.
4 hours later
Rachel's at the club with her dress and heels. She was dancing on Shadave, When she gets a text from Kalin. It says,"Babe I need you I lost Crystal." Rachel takes off her heels and gets in the car and races to the house. She runs inside and sees Kalin almost in tears. Rachel goes and pats Kalin on the back. Kalin: Rachel Rachel thank god your here. I can't find Crystal and I can't be a single parent. Rachel: Oh honey your not a single parent you have myles. Kalin: like he does anything. Myles: I did I feed the baby. Rachel: Guys shut the fuck up. She calms down. Rachel: K when was the last time you saw her. I was looking in the cabinet for something for her to eat so i placed her down on the dining room table. Then I turned around and she was gone. Rachel: I have a feeling I now where she is. Rachel runs to the kitchen and grabs Crystal from under the table. She give her to Kalin and again. She goes to walk out the door. Kalin stops her. Kalin: Rachel. I'm sorry the way we treated you. You do go through a lot and I guess we didn't realized it until. Rachel cuts him off. Rachel: you had to be the mommy. Kalin: yea. He smiles and they kiss. Rachel turns around to leave and Kalin smacks her ass on the way out. Kalin: now go. Rachel goes back inside the house at 1:00. Rachel finds Kalin and the baby sleeping in the bed next to each other. Rachel gets in the bed next to them.

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