Work in progress

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Rachel wakes up and sees her clothing at the end of her bed. She gets up slips on her shirt and then pulls up her jeans. She buckled her wedges and then sat on the bed. She sees Kalin walk in. He smiles and grabs her purse. She smiles back.
Rachel: Thanks.
Kalin: No problem I used to do this all the time when we're dating.
Rachel smiles and looks down. They check out of the hospital and walk to the car. They get in and Rachel feels wired. She looks uncomfortable.
Kalin: What's wrong?
Rachel: Nothing.
Kalin: Come on you can tell me. He place his hand on her thigh. Rachel sees something as his hand comes In contact with her thigh. She has a flash back. Rachel: I felt it. Your touch. You have done this before. I may not remember but I felt it. Kalin smiles and pulls off from the hospital.
Rachel: thank you.
Kalin: for what?
Rachel: doing this trying to get my memory back.
Kalin: you know I got you best friend.
Rachel laughs and playfully hits him swerving the car. Kalin directs the car back on track.
Rachel: Where are we.
Kalin: I didn't bring you here On our first date but I thought somewhere new will be fun. You may not remember but at least we can make new memories.
He parks on the dirt road. He grabs Rachel's hand and pulls her to the cliff. Kalin: Wanna jump?
Rachel: Hell no. Wanna die?
Kalin: Come it's completely safe.
Rachel: No and I'm not even dressed for jumping in water.
Kalin starts stripping. He takes his shirt off and pulls down his pants. Leaving him in his basketball shorts.
Kalin: Now you.
Rachel: No. I'm not jumping no matter what you say or do.
Rachel is leaning on the car. When Kalin picks her up and takes her shoes off. She fights him kicking him. Rachel: Kalin stop! He tries to take her shirt off but she's fighting him too hard. Kalin: Rachel stop fucking fighting me. Rachel: Kalin just put me down. Kalin: Fine. He puts her down on the ledge of the cliff. Kalin: will you just come. Rachel: Fine. She holds his hand. When they get ready to jump. Rachel: Yeet! Kalin: Nope. He pulls her arm back making her jump with him. They are falling. Rachel: I'm so going to kill you! Kalin starts laughing. Rachel starts smiling. Rachel: But this is so much fun. They fall to the water and it's a big splash. Rachel: That was awesome. Kalin: Thanks to me. Rachel: Yea you were right. Kalin: Sorry about getting your clothes wet. I got extra in the car. Rachel: Thxs. So how do we get back up. Kalin: Tie that cord to you and climb back up. Rachel laughs. Rachel: seriously where's the elevator. Kalin: There is none. Rachel: Ugh. Kalin helps tie her. He pushes her up by using her ass. Kalin: Boody. Rachel: Dickhead. Kalin: That's what you would call me too. Rachel falls but Kalin catches her. He helps her back to where she was. They reach the top. Kalin helps Rachel up by grabbing her hand. They walk back to the car. Kalin: Rachel your soaked. Rachel: No shit. Kalin hands her some basketball shorts and one of his t shirts. Rachel: How the hell am I supposed to rock this with wedges. Kalin: You don't. She gives him a blank stare. Kalin: Ok, let's see what I got. He hands her Adidas slippers. She starts stripping from the wet clothes. She takes off the pants and slips on the basketball shorts. But she has a little trouble with the shirt. Kalin sees her struggling. Kalin: let me help. He grabs the ends of the wet shirt and helps her slip it over her head reveling her black bra. They have a moment and just look into each others eyes with a complete silent stare. Kalin leans in and Rachel leans in. They get close where they can feel each other breathing. When kalin stops himself and turns his head away. He acts like nothing just happened. Kalin: It's funny how we both don't have a shirt on. Rachel: Yea. She says putting his shirt on. They get in the car.
Kalin's thoughts: What's wrong with me! Why didn't I kiss her! I had the opportunity! Shit! What the fucks wrong with me!
Rachel's thoughts: Why didn't he kiss me? I wanted to kiss him. His soft pink lips looked so good.
Rachel: Thanks again.
Kalin: No problem again. What are friends for?
Rachel's thoughts:
That's why. "What are friends for?" He thinks of me just as a friend. Aw fuck friend zone!

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