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Rachel runs down stairs after Cameron. Rachel: Cameron! Cameron: What Rachel. Rachel: I'm sorry. Cameron(yells):I'm sorry.Im sorry. That's all you have to safe. I can't believe that's all you have to say. You cheated on me and that's all you have to say. You have to be fucking Kidding me. Kalin walks down stairs shirtless. Rachel(yells): I'm sorry ok. What do you want me to say. You don't spend time with me and you don't love me. Kalin walks to Rachel and whispers in her ear. Kalin: Can I get my shirt? Rachel looks for his shirt and hands it to him. Rachel: cameron I'm really sorry can you forgive me?Cameron: forgive you for What being a slut. You're a bitch that sleeps with every fucking body. Kalin: Don't talk to her like that. She's not a slut. Cameron: Yes she is for sleeping with an idiot like you. Kalin: I'm not an idiot. I'm smart enough to see when the right girl is standing in front of me. Cameron: Whatever man You can see when I hore is standing in front of you. Kalin punches Cameron in the face. Cameron starts bleeding in his nose and then he punches Kalin in the face. Then they start fighting. Rachel: Guys stop! Please. Rachel starts getting overwhelmed. Rachel: Guys please. She starts breathing heavy. Shadave looks over to Rachel. Rachel: I can't breathe. Shadave: Guys really stop. Rachel falls down to the ground. Shadave goes on the ground. Shadave: Rachel breathe. Rachel starts breathing heavy. Shadave: Slowly. Rachel starts breathing slowly. Shadave helps Rachel up. They are still fighting. Rachel: Stop it both of you. Kalin thanks for standing up for me. But you don't always have to fight for me. I can fight my own battles. You treat me like I'm a kid. Stop. And Cameron I'm glad I cheated on you. You're and asshole anyway. The girl squad leaves the party and heads back to Rachel's place.

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