Oh, Leilani

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Rachel wakes up next to Kalin on the couch next to her. She pulls down her shorts and brushes her teeth. Kalin is still sleeping. She walks back down stairs. She eating cereal on her breakfast bar. When Kalin wakes up and comes behind her and hugs her. Rachel: K watch out im eating. Kalin kisses her on the cheek while hugging her from behind. He stops and stands on the other side of the breakfast bar. Kalin: I want food. Rachel: Fat ass its in the cabinet. Kalin goes in the cabinet and poors him some frosted flakes. He starts eating when Rachel finishes. She puts her dish in the sink. Kalin is still eating. Rachel is walking back to sit back at the breakfast bar when the door bell rings. Rachel walks towards the door and opens it. Leilani and Special K walk inside. Leilani: I'm tired Special K made me come over Cuz he wanted to see Kalin. Rachel: Le go up stairs and sleep in my bed. Leilani walks up stairs and sleeps in Rachel's bed. Special K and Kalin went out to the mall to get fresh. While Rachel stayed at home with Leilani. Rachel walks up stairs to see Leilani. Rachel: Hey, Le felling better. Leilani: There was nothing wrong with me. I was just tired. Rachel: Ok. Kalin and Special K come back. They don't see Rachel and Leilani down stairs so they check upstairs. They walk up stairs and open the door. They stand in the door way. Kalin: You both look really hot on the bed together right now. Rachel: Stop thinking dirty. She says while throwing a pillow at him. Kalin flinches and laughs. Leilani: Baby carry me. Special K: Sure baby. He says walking to the other side of the bed and picking her up and carrying her like a new married couple. They walk down stairs. She puts her shoes on and he carries her to the car and drivers her home. Rachel: Kalin! Kalin: Yea. Rachel: Wanna carry me? Kalin: No. Rachel: Please. Kalin moves closer to bed. Kalin gives her a kiss. Kalin: Babe I love you I gotta go tho. Rachel: Okay, love you too. They kiss again. Kalin leaves the house. Rachel stays on her bed and is o. Her phone.
*At Leilani's house *
Special K drops Leilani home.
Leilani: Wanna come in? My parents aren't home. Special K: Sure. Special K walks in and Leilani closes the door. Special K: So what do you wanna d....Next thing he knows. Leilani is pushing her lips against his. She starts kissing him and then they slowly slip tongue in. Leilani jumps and wraps her legs around Special K. He catches her and holds her with his hands on her ass. Special K walks up stairs holding Leilani. She climbs on the bed and Special K climbs on top of her. He removes his shirt. Leilani slowly touches his abs. Special K takes off Leilani's shirt. He's on top of her and slowly kisses her neck. When, Leilani starts getting anxious. Leilani: Stop. Special K: What's wrong? Leilani: I'm a...a../ Special K finishes her sentence. Special K: Virgin. Leilani nods her head. Special K: It's ok. I got you. Leilani blushes and buries her head in her hands. Special K takes her hands from her face. Special K: I wouldn't let anything happen to you, I love you. Leilani: I love you too. Leilani slowly unclips her bra because she nervous. Leilani unbuttons his pants and slowly removes them. Then, Special K unclips her belt. Leilani pulls her jeans off. They take off their last layers. Special K: You ready. Leilani takes a deep breath. Leilani: Yea. Special slowly slips in. Leilani is in pain in the beginning. Special K: Are you ok? Leilani nods yes. As they continue, Leilani gets comfortable and eventually starts to feel pleasure. She starts moaning. While Special K is rocking her bodying. Special K looks down at the sheets and sees blood. Special K: Le,your bleeding want me to stop? Leilani: Yea. Special K slips out and Leilani gets up and runs to the bathroom. Leilani takes a shower. Special K just lays on the bed with a blanket covering him. Leilani gets out the shower and Special K gets in. Leilani puts on a shirt with some shorts and her hair in a sloppy bun. Special K gets out the shower. He walks to Leilani's room. Leilani is siting on her bed texting. When Special K snatches the phone out her hand. He kisses her. All of a sudden they a male voice yell," Leilani!" Leilani: Oh shit that's my dad you gotta go.

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