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Hannen moved into Maisie's suite she's pretty reserved but she's slowly starting to open up to our group " hey" walking into Maisie's suite to see Hannen on the couch watching the television.

" Hi, you looking for Maisie?" she turned smiling. I noticed that she was watching one of Maisie's films.

" No, I was looking for you. I was thinking maybe we can spend the day together. Catching up I see" sitting down on the sofa next to her.

" Yeah, I wouldn't be a good best friend if I haven't seen all of her work. How does she bring tears to my eyes when she cries?" I chuckled that's what makes her such a great actress she draws you into her world.

" Everyone wonders the same thing" we ended up watching the rest of the film till the credits started to show.

Hannen got up and stretched " I just need to freshen up give me 15 minutes" going into the guest bedroom.

She comes out of the bedroom wearing jeans and a casual top she wore a red wig with perfect red waves. You couldn't even tell that she was wearing one she became more lively when she had longer hair " is this okay to walk around town? i'm just so used of wearing pants now".

" Yeah, it's perfect. You look good" she's slowly starting to gain weight.

I lead her to my car that the valet had pull out to the front of the hotel " you haven't seen much of LA have you?" Hannen shook her head.

She's only left the hotel a couple of times only to go shopping for new clothes and wig fittings other then that she hasn't been wanting to leave the suite cause she's self cautious about the way she looks after the war. Maisie hasn't pushed her " I'll take you to all the best spots" I took Hannen to all the popular tourist spots in LA.

Maisie bought her a new and more updated camera as a surprise present like the pictures Maisie showed me during her childhood the camera haven't left her neck and hands. She took pictures of everything " stand right there" she took pictures of me in front of everything that she liked. I was more than happy to pose for her.

This is the longest I've seen her smiling it made me feel good, I'm sure Maisie will be very pleased " this is the best day ever. Well, second best day ever" I grabbed her arm as we walked to the shops having plenty of rental therapy.

" I'm glad Hannen. Let me guess the best day ever was being liberated" she nodded her head running her hand through all of the clothes on the racks.

" And reuniting with my best friend. Did she ever talk about me?" putting clothes into the cart.

" All the time I would find her writing you letters in the middle of the night. She even showed me childhood pictures of you two together. She talked about Holland she's misses it but she missed you more" I explained.

" Come on I know a place you might like" we drove to the movie theaters.

Hannen froze in her tracks " I can't go in there" she whispered. I put my hand on her arm.

" Yes, you can. You're free now Hannen" we got in line and got tickets to Maisie's latest film that I've haven't even seen yet.

" Tickets, please" I handed the worker our tickets Hannen was shaking.

I guided her to some seats in the middle center of the theater " I keep on forgetting that I don't have a yellow star sewed on my coat. The last time I've been in a cinema was the last time I hung out with Maisie and we saw the wizard of oz" I nodded my head.

" Yes, She showed me the pictures she has them all" the lights got dark and we were emersed into another world for the next hour and 15 minutes.

We decided to grab a late lunch sitting outside of this cafe as people walked freely down the street that's when it happened my first fan encounter " excuse me are you Olivia Rodrigo?" it was a young lady trying hold back her grin to grin smile.

My secret Love Olivia Rodigo x femWhere stories live. Discover now