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We watch as tears filled both of their eyes as they ran into each others arms, both of them sobbing in the middle of the hotel lobby " Hannen, my Hannen thank the heavens you are alright. I missed you so much" kissing both of her cheeks before grabbing her arm.

" These are my dearest friends Ashton, Conan, and Olivia. Everyone this is my Hannen, my best friend from Holland" she didn't look like she was 19 years old. Lines covered her face, her eyes looked sucken in, her frame was almost like a Skelton, her cheekbones more proment.

" Nice to meet you all. Maisie has written all about you three in her letters" she had a thick Dutch accent it was kind of hard to understand her all three of us shook her hand, all I felt in her grip was bone.

" How about you come up to my suite and I'll order us room service. I've never seen you so thin, what did those Nazi's do to you?" Hannen put her hand on top of Maisie's.

The men have to go to work saying our goodbyes " you coming, Olivia?" I followed behind them.

I noticed that Hannen didn't have any belongings just a messenger bag that went across her chest " I'll help you read the menu get whatever you want. I can't believe your here, Hannen" kissing her forehead.

I ordered a sandwich, Maisie ordered a soup, and Hannen ordered a whole bunch of things she probably haven't eaten good in years. We watched as she scarfed down her meal " Hannen, you're gonna make yourself ill " Maisie said, I put my hand on her knee.

" I apologize I'm just so hungry we only ate once a day at the camps stale bread and broth. This is heaven" I can't imagine what she's went through all these years.

After we ate all three of us sat on the sofa with a hot cup of tea " what happened after the nazi's took you away, Hannen? It's been haunting me for years" Hannen just stared at us.

" It's just so different not hearing your accent. You sound so . . . American" Maisie chuckled.

" It's been a long time since I've been in my natural accent. I left Holland shortly after you and I've played this american accent ever since so, bear with me. Olivia never heard my real accent before" her accent sounded beautiful she had less of an heavier accent then Hannen. Why, did Hollywood make her hide it?

" Tell me everything. I assume you got my letters since you know where to go to find me and all. I kept our end of the deal wrote you letters every week" Hannen grabbed her messenger bag opening it revealing just sheets and sheets of paper.

" Your letters are the only things I have left dear friend. The nazi's took everything else from me even the clothes on our backs. They striped everything from us our pride, our dignity, but they couldn't take away our faith. After they took us from the flats into the army car they took us the train station into a cattlecar that was so crowded that we could barely sit down. They shoved us all in there it smelt like urine and waste the cattle car had no windows for fresh air and we stayed in the cattle car for five days only having a bucket to relieve ourselves that kept on spilling over from the train. Not everyone in the cattle car made it when they let us out. The train took us to Poland to a camp called Auschwitz which was hell on earth" they are now just exposing the concentration camps in Poland and Germany. I've heard Auschwitz was one of the worst and brutual conditions camps.

" What about your mama and pa?" Hannen broke down in tears.

" They separated us after we got off the cattle train. They ripped papa away from ma and I they separated us from gender and strength for work. Ma and I were so afraid they took all our belongings including the clothes on our backs. They were so cruel yelling, and shoving us into the cold snow nude when they gave us this uniform that we couldn't change out of it was blue with white stripes and the shoes were so uncomfortable. They cut off all our hair, and put numbers on our arm Hannen was no longer my name this number was my name" rolling up her sleeve showing us 6 numbers 596342

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