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The hotel lobby was really packed more packed then usual people with cameras waited in the lobby

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The hotel lobby was really packed more packed then usual people with cameras waited in the lobby. Conan guided me with a hand on my back to guide me past them " who are they?" the lobby was packed with people checking in and waiting to get a shot of her.

" Paparazzi, they don't stay long till we have to kick them out" everyone started jogging towards the front and the chatter only got louder with bright flashing lights. There she was Maisie Mae Hollywood movie star and pinup girl " Pardon me, Miss" a man moved to get through.

I could barely see her as the crowd formed a tight circle around her shouting her name she made it through the hotel lobby when the paparazzi and reporters started to leave the hotel lobby " was that?" Conan was cool as a cucumber.

" Maisie Mae? Yeah, she lives here she just got back from her publicity trip" I was a big fan of Maisie Mae I watched all of her films more than once.

My stomach was killing me with anxiety when we got to the 12th floor the club was already filled with people. Couples danced to the high upbeat jazz music, people sat at the table having a meal and cocktails, the band played on the stage with the middle part with the microphone still standing front and center unoccupied like when I first came. It was calling my name I wanted to be on that stage, I memorized dozens of songs by heart if not hundreds " this is what you moved here for to be there every single night" I know Conan was right it was my dream.

Something I've been dreaming of since I was a little girl no more making the fireplace my stage, I belong on a real stage with a real audience. Conan started to guide me to the right side of the stage there stood Mr. Hearst he was short and stocky just seeing him brought me anxiety " I can't do it, Conan" he grabbed my hand giving it a gentle squeeze as we went to the side of the stage.

Even next to the band I could hear him perfectly he had a natural megaphone kind of voice " oh, no. No not you again" I thought maybe he wouldn't recognized me since I got myself all dolled up for the evening.

" Please, just give me a chance. One song if the audience and you don't like it. You'll never see me again I promise you" he ushered some man our way.

" She's a great singer you've been looking for one for ages" Conan said.

" Don't tell me how I run my hotel Mr. Gray. Do you want to lose your job?" I wouldn't be able to bare with myself if Conan lost his job because of me. He already did so much for me I couldn't let him do it.

" Let's just go, Conan" when I heard the most precious voice and there she was Maisie Mae.

She wore a white gown that reached to her feet with a white fur stol around her. Her platinum blonde hair was in perfect curls, her makeup was flawless " What's going on here?" the harsh Mr. Hearst froze in place.

" I was just ushering this young lady and gentleman out" Mr. Hearst said.

" Whatever for?" I've never seen someone so beautiful in my life she was the definition of perfection.

My secret Love Olivia Rodigo x femWhere stories live. Discover now