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I woke up to Maisie's side of the bed empty, I felt around the bed in the darkness to not feel her. I turned on the light grabbing the alarm clock it was 2:15 in the morning. The light out to the family room peered out from under the door she was sitting at the dining room table writing " what are you doing baby? you know how late it is?" she wore a sheer silk robe with faux fur at the cuffs and around the edging.

" I'm just writing did the light disturb you?" she had a cup of steaming tea next to her.

" No, I woke up and you weren't there. Come back to bed" wrapping my arms around her shoulders from behind.

She grabbed my hand bringing it to her lips " I will in a little bit, sweetheart".

" you writing a letter?" she dipped the pen into the ink.

" A letter to my best friend back in Holland" I poured myself a steaming cup of tea before taking the seat next to her.

Her eyes were red, she looked exhausted " has she ever written you back?" she shook her head.

" I write to her every week. I know she'll respond to me when she can. The war is rough back there that's why we left" I took a sip of my tea.

" How long have you've been writing to her?"  why is she writing to her knowing that she won't respond back.

"Almost five years. She's been my best friend since primary school. She has the most beautiful red hair that liked to shine in the sun, freckles all over her face. She never liked them but I was always secretly envious of it. She lived in the apartment block next to me we would walk to and from school together, spend all day at the cinema together on the weekends. Then the war changed everything and our parents wouldn't let us speak to each other it broke my heart" a tear rolled down her face.

I quickly wiped it away kissing her cheek " don't worry she'll responded to you".

" The reason why she hasn't responded to me is because she can't" is her best friend a.

" What's her name?" she smiled lightly.

" Hannen, when the nazi's took over Holland. She said that it'll be best if we didn't talk or see each other no more. I couldn't without a reason I followed her behind the school where she was trying to pull off the yellow star that her mama sewed onto her coat. She told me that her papa was trying to get false papers so, they could leave Holland. The kids bullied her horribly in school till she had to go to a new school separate from ours. We met behind the school and promised to write each other letters every week in secret and it worked till one day I was dropping off my letter at our secret hiding place. The Nazi soldiers were taking Jews out of the apartments they took her and her family right in front of me. I couldn't do anything I ran home in tears and less then a week later we were on the train to America. I still write a letter to her every single week like we promised since the last time I saw her. She picked out a false name to put on the fake papers she told me her new name was going to be Maisie Mae so, I took it after my agents said that I had to change my name. I don't even know that she is even alive but I just wait and pray for her to come back to me again" I pulled her into a hug where she hugged me tightly as she sniffled.

" I miss her so. The Nazi are awful people they'll shoot about anyone who disagrees with them. I saw them do it. They set fire to our buildings to the ice parlor that Hannen and I liked to go to.I hear what happens at those camps and I fear for her. I just want the war to come to an end I wrote where I am and where I'm staying. So, she can find me when the war is over" I grabbed her cheeks in-between my palms.

" When the time is right she'll come to see you. You just keep on continuing on what you are doing and she'll be back, okay" our lips meet for a short peck.

" I haven't spoken of her since I left Holland. You mustn't tell anyone not even Conan who knows what they'll do. In Holland I'll probably be shot dead. Can I show you something?" I nodded my head it made me happy knowing that she trusted me with her darkest secrets.

She got up went to her room for a moment holding a brown box that I haven't seen before putting it on the table opening the box to reveal childhood photos of her. She grabbed a picture with two girls " that's me and that's Hannen" they looked like they were about 12 years old Maisie had brown straight hair with a barrette wearing an blue dress down to her knee. Hannen looked like she was about an inch taller then Maisie her vibrant red hair in beautiful ringlet curls into two pigtails in both of their hand held an ice cream cone dripping onto their hands.

" The ice cream parlor was our second favorite place our favorite place was the cinema Hannen loved taking pictures. I was always her model here's me in front of the cinema in Amsterdam we were going watch the wizard of oz" her hair was in two braids smiling widely pointing up to the bold letters that spelled ' THE WIZARD OF OZ' she looks so different then she does now.

" That was the last time we went to the cinema together and that was the last picture she took of me" I looked at all the photos with gentle care not wanting my fingerprint to smudge on them.

" That's my bedroom and thats my papa" she was mid air he was throwing her onto the bed. Her bedroom looked small just a bed and a dresser.

" Here's both of our families. Once a year we all liked to go to the beach for the day on holiday" Hannen parents both had red hair like her and Maisie's parents have brown and black hair. She was their only child and they dumped her right out onto the street.

" My mama has the rest of the photos I grabbed the only ones of Hannen and I. I haven't looked at these photos since I moved into this suite. Amsterdam was a beautiful and great place I loved the way the leafs changed colors in the fall, how it rained and snowed in the winter all the kids outside would play all day long, I loved how air smelt when all the flowers bloomed in the spring, I loved how we would do anything that we wanted in the summer Hannen and I would ride our bikes everywhere then the Nazi's took over. Then we weren't allowed to do anything we had curfew and had to be home by six we couldn't leave the apartment after that. Then rationing for food was extremely difficult my mama and I would stand for hours just for a loaf of bread. Hannen's family didn't have that luxury they were only allowed to shop from 3-5 but I would always sneak food for her. She was about to go to Italy they were gonna go stay with her ohma and ohpa. They didn't have a chance the papers weren't ready in time shortly after they took them away in a big green army truck they shoved them to go ground, hit the men's head with the butt of their ruffles for trying to protect their families, the barking of German Shepard's still echo in my mind" I knew the war was hard on everyone but we didn't have to face the Nazi soldiers like they did back in Europe.

" Is that why you have trouble sleeping?" I questioned.

" Sometimes. Sometimes I dream that I am back there but they take me away instead and watch Hannen as she chased me down the street. The studio gave me sleeping pills but I don't want to take them" running her fingers through your hair.

" My body is exhausted and I want to sleep but my body won't let me. I've been sleeping better since we've been sharing the same bed but I could never sleep through the whole night" she looked like she was going to fall asleep right in that chair.

" Come on let's go to bed" we got into bed and Maisie put her head on my chest wrapping her arm around my torso.

I ran my fingers through her blonde locks while she plays with my fingers " I'm honored that you trust me with your past. I know it wasn't easy and I'll keep your secrets. I'll take care of you, we'll take care of each other" I looked down to see her asleep. I smiled kissing the top of her head.

My secret Love Olivia Rodigo x femWhere stories live. Discover now