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" So, it was Maisie who came up with the name Olivia Rodrigo" I nodded my head with a smile on my face.

" Yes, she took a chance on me an 18 year old from Temecula. I owe everything to her, she believed in me when nobody else did. She's my inspiration, she's my muse even though all the men try to take all the credit" making everyone laugh.

" What happened after you got that job in the hotel club?" I was up all night writing songs and playing melody's my heart full of inspiration after so long of being in a pit, my struggles trying to get my name into the door, to the woman who's raising me up to my greatest potential.

" Thank you, this next song is a very personal song when I first moved to LA. I was hit with a bunch of barriers nobody would take me seriously and push me away even before I got the door for anyone who going through a rough time in their life just know life is just full of mountains that we have to climb. This song is called the climb" I moved the second microphone to the center of my acoustic guitar.

Maisie was sitting front row with Conan a glass of champagne always in hand her and Conan have become friends as he would dine with us if he has the time or has the day off. Conan tries his best to make it to every show while Maisie was there to introduce me every single night except for Mondays and Tuesdays but that's when the band and I will rehearse for the following work week.

I try to make every week somehow different with new songs and melodies as I want to keep the audience on their toes it hasn't been difficult coming up with new songs every week since I'm on songwriting high right now. Mr. Hearst is happy with my work even though he never says or shows it but Ashton tells me all the positive things he's been saying behind my back and that's good enough for me.

Maisie has been busy filming a film at MGM about a teenage girl who's mentally unstable and how it affects her and her parents marriage. She tells me that she leaves early in the morning even before the sun starts to rise and she has to keep a spare evening dress in her bag so, she can change in the car to make it to the club on time to introduce me. We've become swell friends sometimes I even let her listen to my songs that are still in progress to see if they are good enough for the stage or what I should add to them.

I walked inside Conan's and I apartment mail in hand " Conan, you got a letter from your mama" I leaned my head on his shoulder as he read the letter.

He was very quiet usually he reads his letters out loud since his mom always wishes me well as she really likes me " my mama is sick my sister says that she has caught polio and that she's on bed rest. She's been asking for me my sister says that she's very weak".

" You have to go to her" his family still lives in Texas. His mom and his sister is the only family that he has left. His dad was never in the picture he deeply loves his mom and sister he gives her part of his paycheck so, she doesn't have to work as he is the man of the family.

I pulled him into a hug as he started to cry " my mama" I rubbed his back.

" You have to go to her maybe her seeing you will give her the strength. Your mama is a strong woman raising two kids all on her own. You must get on a train, Conan" he nodded putting himself together.

We walked to the hotel arm in arm Ashton was in charge with doing all the employees schedules, Mr. Hearst just simply pops in every once and while and yells telling Ashton to fix any issues. Ashton was behind the front desk sorting out mail to put into each room numbers slots " afternoon Mr. Gray, Ms. Rodrigo" Ashton said.

" Afternoon, I need a couple of weeks off sir" Conan said, clearing his throat.

" He has a family emergency his mother is ill. He need to go to her right away" rubbing my hand up and down his arm to bring him comfort. He was shaking.

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