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" I'm in love with Maisie Mae" Conan sat in front of me at the dining room table.

" I knew that something was going on with you two. I'm so happy for you. Does she love you too?" it felt nice saying those words.

" Yes, she does. How about you and Ashton you guys seem rather close since you've came back" his cheeks flushed a deep red.

" So, it is true" Maisie and I have been thinking about them being more then just co workers. Ashton always liked to keep an eye on him and his eyes turned sad when he had to leave like Maisie did with me.

" For two weeks now he's really thoughtful and so in touch with his emotions. He's everything that I look in a partner" all four of us are in forbidden relationships but it makes it all the more easier to hide behind Conan and Ashton and they hide behind us.

" Plus he's loaded" I grinned

" I honestly don't care if he didn't have any money in his pocket" I felt the same way to Maisie. She didn't have to be this huge star in order for me to love her.

" I'll see you tonight. I have a little surprise for you all" I've been on the radio for the past couple of months now. Conan and I moved back in together but a couple of nights a week. I'll sneak into Maisie's suite.

I was going to pick up my new car today, I got my drivers license last week and decided to finally spoil myself. The interior was brand new and had that fresh new car smell no more taking the local bus to the studio. All four of us planned on going on a double date to this new restaurant by the pier and we are going to ride in style. I pulled up to the hotel Maisie was on Ashton's arm " what is this?" Maisie asked. I got out of the car.

" It's my car I just picked it up this afternoon ain't she a beauty? I'm gonna drive us to the restaurant sorry, men sit in the back" not like they didn't mind being in the back seat together.

" After you my lady" she smiled.

" Why, thank you" I closed her door.

" Everything looks so nice does it run nice and smooth?" Ashton asked.

" Just wait and see" I pulled out onto Hollywood Blvd going into the canyon to the beaches of Malibu.

The car was blasting with music. The car full of smiles, laughter, and singing. I put my hand on her thigh as I drove through the canyon and for the first time she didn't make me pull away. She smiled at me and it made my heart flutter " everyone shut up!" Maisie yelled turning up the radio.

The familiar piano melody began to play it was her song, my song was playing on the radio. I pulled over along the cliff side absolutely speechless listening to my own voice on the radio in my own car. Maisie grabbed my hand and I squeezed it tight the car was completely silent as everyone sat still listening to my voice " and that was Olivia Rodrigo with can't help falling in love with you. Such a lovely song it's my wife's new favorite song. Olivia Rodrigo is new to the radio station and I hope she'll write more songs just like this one" I started to bawl.

Maisie pulled me into a tight and firm embrace and that song became number 1 for 8 weeks straight. Maisie thought it'll be best for me not to sneak into her suite anymore but we would talk on the telephone for hours each night " I miss you so much. It's so hard to sleep without you in my arms" I can hear the change of tone in her voice it's been almost two months since we've slept in the same bed since she's been filming out of town.

" I know, baby. I miss you too. You've haven't taken any . . . " that night really scared me and Maisie knew that.

" No, I'll be back in town this weekend can we go to Malibu just you and me?" every time we are out in public Conan and Ashton are always with us.

My secret Love Olivia Rodigo x femWhere stories live. Discover now