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" You want me to fake date you? but we are both in relationships. I never knew you liked me like that" I love you Conan but sometimes you can be so naive.

" We're not going to be dating for real dummy. It's going to be like Ashton and Maisie's kind of deal so the studio would leave me alone. You can't imagine how bad the dates are, the studio are making me go on. We just need to act all cuddly and stuff  in public nothing like we don't already do, please Conan. Every night is hell going on these dates save me" the next day we made it official.

The four of us are spotted all around LA together.  I got to perform at multiple different nightclubs in LA where Maisie, Ashton, and Conan will accompany me as the media know I'm in a relationship with an unknown man they don't know Conan's name and they don't want to know Conan's name cause he ain't rich and famous and for as far they know Maisie Mae is my best friend and the four of us enjoy going on double dates together the gossip columns say. The audience stood up, clapped and cheered for me but the only person I could see was my Maisie proud. My new song kiss me once, kiss me twice became a hit as well every song I've written about my feelings towards Maisie became really popular if only the public knew it wasn't about a man. " How long will you be gone?" Maisie was packing up to go to New York city.

" About 4 months gonna do two films back to back. I can fly back on the weekends or you can come visit me" of course I wanted to spend my weekends with her but her flying back and forth she'll be exhausted plus I thought it'll be suspicious.

" I've never been to New York" It's across the globe the singing scene is big in New York with Broadway shows.

" I've only been one other time it's a blooming and bustling city. We can go for a walk in central park, there's this food called pizza that's very popular there. It's dough with sauce and cheese and any toppings your heart desires and I'll take you to see a Broadway show what do you say?" of course I said yes.

The last night before she left she went to our mansion we didn't talk just held each other, stealing kisses every once in a while. I drove her to the airport the whole ride there she held my hand placing kisses on my hand, she grabbed her suitcases and we walked to her gate people were starting to notice her and started to surrounded her. I wanted to grab her hand place her behind me and stand up to all the citizens that are starting to scream her name for autographs thankfully security came and took us to a private room as we waited for her plane to start boarding " I'm gonna miss you so much make sure you call me once you get to your hotel room, okay" we were both fighting back tears.

" I will, sweetheart. I'm gonna be three hours ahead of you due to the time change" our lips met for a messy kiss the last time we'll be able to kiss in long time.

The knocking on the door made us pull apart as we fixed ourselves " Ms. Maisie the plane is boarding now" the worker said, it was time for her to go.

The worker grabbed her suitcases " please, come visit me soon" she pulled me in for an tight embrace.

" I will. Have a safe flight" I watched as she disappeared down the narrow hallway that'll led to the plane.

I watched out the window for her plane to take off, it ran down the runway into the air till it got high enough in the clouds that I couldn't see it anymore. I drove back home and everything already felt different without having her there and so was my heart it felt heavy in my chest. Conan staying the night at Ashton's and I was home alone in the house for the first time sometimes the house feels creepy at night as the house is full of windows surrounded by pine trees afraid someone or something is watching me outside. I'm probably just being paranoid everyone's paranoid in their house if they are home alone at night at least it stays light for a little bit longer now. The phone rang a quarter to 9 I knew it was Maisie running across the house to answer it " hello" curling myself comfortably on the couch.

My secret Love Olivia Rodigo x femWhere stories live. Discover now