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" Why are you leaving you early?" Conan asked his hair a big mess of curls as he sat up on his squeaky pull out couch.

" I have brunch plans with Maisie, can you believe it Conan" I'm still in a dream like kind of state after spending my evening with Maisie.

" You want me to escort you?" I shook my head as I buttoned up my coat.

" No, that won't be necessary. I know the way, you deserve to sleep in but I'll see you this evening?" he rubbed his tired eyes and yawned.

" I won't miss it for the world" I grabbed my purse walking down the 10 flights of stairs since they haven't fix the elevator yet.

I walked the several blocks to the hotel like Conan showed me entering the hotel making a right past the front desk walked a couple of steps upward and down the hall to the hotels tearoom. This hotel really has it all a club, bar, hair salon, tearoom, ballroom, even a little boutique a man wearing a hotel uniform waited at the entrance of the tearoom to sit people as light classical music played. The man welcomed each guest with a welcoming smile and good morning except for me " you can't enter, miss. Guests only" he said but I knew that wasn't the reason.

My ethnicity has stopped me from doing anything in this city " I'm supposed to meet Maisie Mae for brunch" trying to look pass him for her but he put his arms on me keeping me from looking.

" Ms. Maisie is not to be disturbed. Now I'm gonna ask you kindly to leave" in the corner of my eye. I spotted the blonde.

" It's alright she's with me" the man let go of me.

" My apologies Ms. Maisie. Next time company is gonna accompany you let me know" bowing his head in apology.

" I'm terribly sorry, Isabel" putting her arm through mine as she guided me to her table that was already set with a 2 tea pots, 2 tea cups and a tea stand serving tray that held many pastries, biscuits, with different kinds of jam.

" It's alright" I sat across from her.

" You prefer coffee or tea? I wasn't sure what you would like so, I ordered both" she explained gesturing to the two teapots.

" Tea will be perfect. Coffee makes me jittery" she chuckled as she filled my tea cup.

" I live on coffee but I like to have chamomile tea in the evening when I'm winding down" I put cream and sugar into my tea stirring it with a small teaspoon.

Maisie just stared at me making me flush " am I doing it wrong?" I chuckled nervously.

" Oh, no. You're perfectly alright" I filled my plate full of the hotels pastries and biscuits covering it with the sweet jam.

" Aren't you hungry?" she grabbed a raspberry pastry from the top putting it on her plate.

" Thank you for meeting me this morning hope it wasn't a bother" I took a sip of my tea hmm early grey.

" Besides that little incident it was no bother at all" she looked down at her lap.

" I'm sorry about how people have been treating you, sweetheart. It's a glamorous city but it's also a harsh and an ugly one" she quickly brushed it off.

"Anyway we have much more important topics to discuss. You thought of your stage name, yet?" taking a sip of her straight black coffee.

" Stage name?" I questioned.

"Oh, yes every performer has one it's not only encouraged it's mainly most likely to be necessary".

" Do you have a stage name?" she nodded her head.

My secret Love Olivia Rodigo x femWhere stories live. Discover now