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" Ms. Rodrigo" Ashton called out waving me over to the front desk.

" We've been over this Ashton, please call me Olivia" he grabbed a envelope from Maisie's room number slot.

" My apologies, Olivia. A letter has arrived for you from Conan" I quickly grabbed the letter from his grasp as I've been waiting anxiously for a week for his letter.

Ashton stared at me eagerly as I quickly scanned the letter " he's alright. He said that the journey was very sightful" as I tried to balance the bag of groceries in my one hand.

" Why, don't I help you with that, Olivia" I was about to tell him that I was alright but he grabbed the full large brown bag out of my hands anyway.

" I'm alright, Ashton. I can manage a bag of groceries on my own" he started to walk down the hall towards the elevators.

I had to quicken my pace to catch up to him " it's no problem at all, Olivia. Are you staying in Maisie's suite?" he asked and I realized why he was so eager to help me.

" Oh, dear looks like the elevator's not in service. We must take the stairs" what is he doing?

" We must talk about Maisie" he wanted me alone and somewhere private leading me to the stairwell on purpose.

" Maisie, what about Maisie?" he started to lead me up the stairwell.

" Well, about you and Maisie people in the hotel are starting to talk" I was so confused about what he was trying to say to me.

" What are they talking about? Maisie's my friend she's letting me stay with her while Conan's out of town" nothing wrong with that right?

Females can have other female roommates " she made me swear not to tell anyone but I think it's appropriate to inform you due to the circumstances".

" Stop sugar coating everything Ashton what are people saying?" he stopped suddenly almost making me bump into him.

" You know what she is, right?" I slowly shook my head he quickly looked over his shoulder and down the stairwell.

" She's a lesbian" Maisie Mae a lesbian she's not ill minded. They can send her to a mental instruction, my God they can have her arrested.

" What?" I couldn't get the word wrapped around my head. I can't let anyone take her away.

" She likes women, Olivia. The people at the hotel are talking about Maisie bringing a woman into her suite through all hours of the night " I moved in with the most famous woman in Hollywood and I the hotel clubs singer.

" That's not true it's not true at all. I was nervous staying at the apartment by myself" I don't want to put this kind of attention on Maisie.

" What should we do?" he shrugged his shoulders.

" I'll talk to Maisie tomorrow as I have a dinner arrangement. Just try to keep it on the low down just wanted to let you know about the rumors" I thanked him grabbing my groceries from him.

I emptied out the grocery bag on the counter getting started on dinner. I found this meatloaf recipe in a catalog that I wanted to try putting it in the oven along with some potatoes to go with it. she's a good actress you would never suspect her to be gay, dyke, lesbo, fag. We are seen basically all over the hotel together she introduces me on stage every night, she refuses to dance while I'm performing, we eat supper together almost every night, we take her car out to places together just the two of us, the only time we are separated is when she's at the studio. What if Ashton is making all of this up, I see the way that he looks at her how his arm is glued to her waist so low enough to grip her ass if he wanted to. He calls her love oh, how it makes my blood boil. I hated how close they sat to one another his arm wrapped around her shoulders and hers on his knee, how they fed each other food off their plate, how he protects her from paparazzi that enter the hotel lobby trying to get pictures of her, I hated how they held hands as they walked, I hated that they hugged and stealing kisses upon each other cheeks. I liked how she would hold my hand, how she speaks so sweetly to me, how she calls me sweetheart making my heart beat so hard that I fear it'll beat straight out of my chest, how she comforts me, even when we sleep in the same bed I fight the urge to wrap my arms around her pulling her close to me, I love the peaceful yet elegant look on her face when she sleeping, I love her smile, I love her mind, I love her heart and soul. " What do you identify as? Did she love you back?" Julia asked curiously.

My secret Love Olivia Rodigo x femWhere stories live. Discover now