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Conan and I left that shitty apartment behind and moved into the mansion and we each got a comfortable full size mattress that doesn't squeak when you move and don't feel the springs ready to pop up any second through the mattress. I got more into home cooked meals as I only sing at the hotel now during the weekends the rest of the week. I'm at the studio from 9 to 5 and will sing on the radio every Friday evening at 6 o'clock my songs are starting to become more and more popular as the months rolled by. All four of us are very happy getting to be in this house in solitude during the weekends Conan's in love with a Hearst on the biggest hotel heir in the world and I'm in love with a Mae the most popular actress and model in the world. " I have a photo shoot tomorrow afternoon at the hotels pool. You can watch me from the balcony" I poured myself a nice ice cold glass of lemonade before sitting on the hotels balcony to watch the pool from down below.

She looks small but I could easily spot her an attractive young blonde plus the only people there is her, a photographer, a stand guy that holds things to get the perfect lighting, and a supervisor. They did her hair and makeup by the pool side where she changed into a red polka dotted bathing suit. The bathing suit showed a lot of her skin making me swoon usually with bathing suits it more high waisted hiding most of your stomach and butt and the top would hold a little more coverage not this bathing suit it still covered up everything but God, she's so sexy I can't stand it. She did a bunch of different poses around the swimming pool when she got in, I could hear them hollering from up above. She would look up every once in a while like she was trying to spot me she changed into multiple different swim suits as she went into the jacuzzi the shoot went on for hours and I was sweating so much from the California heat. While they were concealed by the shade Maisie was in the hot sun not even allowed to take a break to eat, go to the bathroom, or even drink the stand guy started to put the stuff away while the photographer and supervisor surrounded her where they pinched every exposed spot on her body her arms, legs, and mainly her stomach they kept on poking her stomach like she was a pregnant women with a big swollen belly.
I made her a quick lunch a sandwich with a side of lays potatoes chips with 2 slices of fresh watermelon pouring her a big ice cold cup of lemonade Maisie came through the door and I could tell that she wasn't well " baby, you're face is so red" placing my hands on her forehead and neck.

" You're boiling sit in front of the fan" her body was shaking as I helped her to the couch putting the fan in front of her.

" I feel like I'm going to faint" I put the cold glass of lemonade in her hand.

" You got heatstroke, drink the lemonade. I'm gonna get you a cold cloth to put on your forehead" her chest was heaving up and down heavily.

I put the cold cloth on her forehead she looked exhausted " I made you some lunch" she shook her head.

" I'm not hungry" her creamy skin is now a shade of red.

" Baby, you have to eat it'll make you feel better" moving the baby curls off of her damp forehead and I ranged it out putting more cool water on her forehead and chest.

She drank the lemonade and her breathing looked like it went back to normal " please, eat" her plate was left untouched what did they say to her?

" I'm feeling a little bit better. I think I'm going to lay down to take a nap" she was off balance when she stood up that I had to catch her.

" At least eat the watermelon for me. It'll help cool you down . You were in the hot sun for hours" she listened and ate the two slices of watermelon.

" you want to take a cool shower? you're skin is still hot baby. You're all sunburn it'll cool you done then you can lay down to take your nap" she got into the cold shower.

My secret Love Olivia Rodigo x femWhere stories live. Discover now